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Reclaimed Library

The Reclaimed Library is a unique organisation made up of a group of wandering elves who are dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich history and culture of the Elventine people. The group's primary objectives are to search for relics and information that have been lost or destroyed in the past, to create a more complete picture of Elventine history and culture, and to share their knowledge and discoveries with other peoples. The Reclaimed Library travels throughout Runetalras, gathering information, relics, and historical artefacts, and sharing their knowledge with like minded peoples. The group is highly respected among historians for their commitment to preserving the heritage of their people and spreading knowledge and understanding to all who will listen.

Secrets Discovered

Within the collection of the Reclaimed Library are Memory Fragments, crystal objects created through magic that have long since been lost. They are capable of holding fragments of a moment in history. Amongst them are two strange Fragments which seem to challenge the historical native of both the Elventine Empire and Drow.

Question of the Elventine

A portly Gnome steps before the group, 'we can take this no longer, we have been beaten, broken, killed, they want to kill us all. The time for talk has passed, hell the time for revolution is over, all we have left is vengeance and that is what we must become. We are Tee’Chaher! A chorus of shouts ring out a chorus repeating Tee’Chaher. Over the chorus you hear the shout out 'Death to the tyrants, death to the Elventine.'

Defence of the Eventine

You see out of a soldier's eyes, she looks down her emerald plate boots firmly planted in on the stone wall. She looks to her bow in one hand and a container full of arrows beside her. She stands on a stone wall that looks maybe five feet tall. She looks up and see a horde of humans charging with steel and flame towards the walls. She loses arrows until the container and her quiver are empty. She breathes heavily exerted from the effort and fear, the horde of humans is unending. Grappling hooks and ladders make contact with the walls, someone shouts ‘Defend the walls, Defend the Elventine’ she pulls a blade a Human with shaggy black hair on his head and face appears reaches the top of the wall, he has fear, desperation, and anger in his eyes. She slices her blade across his face, blood, teeth, and flesh spray everywhere. As he falls back another three make their way up the wall, she cuts down one, another tries to bring an axe she parries. A scream behind her forces her to turn around, an entire forest is aflame, she looks back towards the town and see Elventine mages throwing fireballs and other spells into the city, over the sounds of dying she hear someone shout out ‘The city is lost all they shall get is ashes’ she turns back in time for an axe to slash across her face. She slashes back at the Human, and throws herself from the walls into the oncoming horde, you hear bones crack. She lays there as humans run past her climbing the walls, she remains perfectly still and waits.

The Drow

It's dark and the room is barely lit by two candles on either side. Most all of the figures here are robed, it's clear by the heights that there are both elves and gnomes in the room. A figure at the front of the room pulls down her hood, a gasp rings out across the room as a dusky purple skinned Elf is revealed. The Elf says 'this is the only option we have left, our brothers and sisters have betrayed us, we are second class citizens, and soon we shall be worse. But this is a gift Lolth shall protect us from the fanatics, she is our only salvation. A curtain is pulled down, a large silver spider symbol is revealed as is a stone basin. 'But a small sacrifice is first required.' A grumble goes up amongst the crowd. 'This is it, this is the only way to stop the forced relocations, family separation, and the violence, Lolth will end it!' Slowly a line begins to form before the basin. As the person you are seeing from reaches the basin a dagger with a spider hilt and blood on its blade is next to it, the stone basin is empty. He reaches down, picks the blade up in a shaky hand, he runs the blade along his palm, the blood pools into the stone basin, begins to bubble and then seeps into the stone. As the basin drinks in the blood you see his hands begin to slowly change colour settling on a dusky purple.

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