Politics of Ionia



Authority: Council of Elders

Ionia, though sharing a common culture, has no single unifying body governing the land. Living up to their ideals of peace and coexistence, Ionia is broken up in several different provinces: Navori, Shon Xan, Oulin, Qaelin, Ralin, Zhyun, Bahrl and Houhjo. These provinces are all allied together and independently govern themselves which has led to distinct differences to the people between provinces. Within those provinces, villages and towns have a representative Elder that acts as a spiritual and figurative authority. These Elders all form together into a collective council within their provinces to make decisions. Post-war Ionia attempts to operate similarly, but as a divided people grow restless for change, factions and government corruption now plague these councils for better or worse.  

Law: Tribunal of Magistrates

Crime is very rare in Ionia. The need for a lawlful court and punishment is even rares. Culturally, Ionians always relied on teaching lessons and allowing individuals to attone for their wrongdoings without the need for an official decree. This emphasis on discipline and strive for inner enlightenment has led to a distinctly peaceful and bored justice system. Though, on the occasion a crime is needed to be settled within the justice system, a tribunal led by three magistratez would be formed within the authorized province - which was usually where the crime occured. Ionians believe in complete impartiality and allow all defendants fair trials as well as the opportunity for defendants to explain their actions or defend their innocence. Additionally, Ionians do not believe in the death penalty. Often striving for any persons the opportunity to better themselves. Post-war Ionia as seen much 'street justice' and vengeful punishments often outside the judicial system. Still, the judicial system holds its integrity when individuals are able to make it to trial. Tribubals have never been more busy in Ionia’s long history.  

Military: Militia and Mercenaries

Ionia posseses no standing army due to the everlasting peace between provinces. Instead, each province relied on raising local militias or employing the help of one of the famous monastic orders when the time came to deal with a growing threat. Much of the time, this included spirits or local fauna. Very rarely, if at all, would a defense be raised against Ionians. Post-war Ionia has shifted from this cultural norm drastically. As the war with Noxus ended, many veterans look to other options for their learned violence. Some joined back to their families to attempt to live normal lives, but many with no homes to go to turned to the Navori Brotherhood - a militarist faction - and the Order of Shadows - a monsatic order hellbent on gaining enough power to strike back at Noxus. War and violence are becoming an Ionian standard as they adapt to the outside influences on their shores.  



Noxian Presence

The war is over, but Noxus still occupies large pockets of the Ionian archipelago. Despite the land itself being hostile to the invaders and the proding violence of the growing militarist factions, Noxus endures and protects what it earned in the war. A clash of cultures now exists on the island with citizens, tradesman and more military flood into the occupied lands with adventurous Noxians spreading deeper into Ionia. While many traditional Ionians attempt to coexist with their new neighbors, many more look to purge the invaders from their shores. Ionia is a very dangerous place for Noxus.    

Kinkou and Shadows

Two monastic institutions, the famous Kinkou order and the infamous Order of Shadows, hold a deep rooted rivalry between the two leaders: Master Shen and Master Zed - who were once adoptive brothers. While the two orders rarely ever have clashing agendas and often focus solely on goals that have nothing to do with each other, the bad blood between the two leaders is enough to cause tension between them. Master Shen is left with a shattered order that he looks to rebuild while Master Zed gains more and more followers flocking to his young growing order.  

Ionian Militarism and Banditry

Despite the war coming to an end, a growing paranoia grips Ionia that fears the return of the Noxian armies marching on Ionia again. Militarist factions across Ionia have risen and grown with the conclusion of the war with many veterans flocking to these factions to prepare for another possible war. Even without the threat of another invasion, many of these factions yearn to strike back at Noxus and take the fight across the sea. Whatever the goal, Ionia is now flooded with angry, vengeful and armed would-be soldiers. A lot of the time these unchecked factions turn to banditry, often hurting and robbing the very Ionians they claim to protect. The shadows of Noxus's survival of the fitest dogma can be seen cast on these factions despite their bloodthist towards the destructive empire. The most infamous militarist factions in Ionia are the Navori Brotherhood and the Order of Shadows.    

What Does It Mean To Be Ionian?

Pre-war Ionians would tell you that true enlightenment, balance and inner peace is the key to being a true Ionian. A deep connection to the magic of the land that connects us all. Post-war Ionia would provide too many different answers to list. Ionia and its people are experiencing a crisis of identity so fractured that the hope of returning to the Ionia of old seems like a distant dream. The blood and loss of so many have stained the land so deep that the grief and anger felt across Ionia is enough to change the very meaning of Ionian culture. Traditions are upheld in many places, but it seems with every passing day the violent take over of a new era in Ionia grows more overwhelming.

Articles under Politics of Ionia


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