Religion in Ionia

Spirits and Worship


Spiritual Connection and Balance

While spirits and the Spirit Realm can be touched from any part of Runeterra, given enough effort, the border between the Spirit and the Physical Realm is so thin in Ionia that it suffuses within the land itself and touches even the most insignificant creatures without dedicated study. Every Ionian, from the lowliest bandit to the most enlightnened being in the land, Karma, can tap into the Spirit Realm's natural power.   This innate connection and the strength of the Spirit Realm is potent. Such power, if misused, is often kept in checked by the strong spirits that reside in Ionia. The most powerful spirit is the land itself what the Ionians call: the Spirit of Ionia. Misuse the power of spirits and the Spirit of Ionia will violently achieve balance in any way it can. This phenomenon promotes a naturally balanced lifestyle, a balance that all schools and monestaries preach. Post-war Ionia, the Spirit of Ionia has been left weakened and more flock to extremes in using the power of the Spirit Realm for misdeeds or selfish goals.    

Spirit Blossom

The Spirit Blossom Festival is a yearly time where the border of the Spirit Realm and the Physical Realm breaks completely and spirits of loved ones 'visit' and look down upon the living. It's a merry time of celebrating the dead and worshiping the spirits that watch over Ionia. The people of Ionia have an entire unique pantheon of spirit gods which they worship and even have their own vocabulary for all kinds of spirits. Some spirits in Ionian folklore do cross over with the rest of Runeterra - especially Valoran - such as Kindred and Fiddlesticks who are known as the Spirit of Death and the Spirit of Fear respectively.   Spirits that represent negative thoughts or feelings, such as obsession or war, are known as Akana (Demon) or Azakana (Lesser Demon). Spirits that represent positive emotions, such as salvation or love, are known as Kanmei (Benevolent)  

Schools of Learning


Monastic Ideals

Holy orders and monestaries across Ionia are based on harnessing the power of a spirits and learning disciplines to control such power. Anyone wanting to abide by discipline and patience can find a teacher all across Ionia. The most famous orders in Ionia teach some of the most potent spirit magic. Often the culture and monetary beliefs are entertwined, creating a distinct seperation of Ionia peoples based solely on how spirits are revered or learned.  

Leaders and Elders

Pre- war Ionia had a robust system of teacher and student dichotomies within its entire cultural structure. From village elders to monastic monks to even farms or theater, Ionians follow guidelines, learn discipline and prosper as one not for the threat of consequences like many other nations, but due to the inherent respect and honor placed on wisemen and wisewomen. Spiritual, rreligious and - in post-war Ionia - political leaders are often looked to for guidence and understanding. One religious leader, Karma, is renowned and celebrated as an Ionian figure head that promotes Ionia's ideals of balance and peace. That status has been left shaken when Karma herself had decided to take up arms against Noxus to defend her people.

Articles under Religion in Ionia


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