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The Pavilion

Purpose / Function

The Pavilion was erected as a temporary solution after an over-eager student accidentally set fire to the old building where they trained. It was intended to be a temporary solution but now two decades later they are yet to replace that building and this shealter has become a permenant fixture on the palace grounds, both loved and feared by the students who pass through it as they have to face the terrifying teacher who works there.


An extension was added about ten years ago when Valentina finally managed to convice her father that given the building was now a more permenant fixture that it should be connected to the main building by some shealter to make it easier for the students to move around in the cold winter weather. 
Large windows were also added that can be opened to ventilate the space which is needed when the weather is warm and the room is full of students, excited to learn but unable to focus when it is too warm and they are nearly falling asleep.


The building resembles a tent, made of canvas that was reinforced against the elements using Faeris power which means that despite its flimsy appearence it is extremly sturdy.


The building needs no defences to the outside of its own as it resides as part of the heavily fortified palace complex in the Capital city of Rusfaeris
To the inside threats however, its defences are needed. In particularly it needs to be fireproofed against the overeager students who study inside, learning to master their powers.


The pavilion was added as a temporary measure when the old classroom was burned down in an incident involving an over eager student who did not yet know how to control their power. Two decades later, it still stands as no progress was ever made in contructing a more permentant venue.
Alternative Names
The Witches Lair
Room, Education, Classroom
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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