Solar Harness

On Sakiel Norn, the Solar Harness is found in the orbs and in the sails of the solar skiffs and gliders. The pattern is also laid out over the surface of the Living Pool. Essentially it absorbs solar energy, stores it, and releases it to power the various technologies on the island.


The Solar Harness was initially developed in the form of a ship's sail, but the application was enhanced and adapted to the purpose of keeping the island -- and the caretaker -- alive when it became necessary to escape.
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Commonly used throughout the island for a variety of applications.
The Solar Harness is essentially a solar panel, but a special matrix refines its efficiency and regulates its output.
The Nornians venerated a certain kind of crystal found in the underwater caves. Because of this, they aggressively expanded to any islands known to possess this crystal. In time, the tradition became to bring these crystals from the caves and into the sun, but in the sun, they began to glow. This led to study of the crystal's properties, until a man named Giffaki created the pattern that became known as the Solar Harness.

Articles under Solar Harness