Uganbalžan is a city on an Eastern Island with the same name.
Uganbalžan is a tributary state of Wašleng. However, because of the huge value of the Sea Silk produced there, Uganbalžan has a lot of influence on Wašleng and a good deal of independence.
Morphological break-up
The Ngad i zerib (Zeribian language) name of the state derives from Ugan Palžan Uran 'The Lord's ships pass through it', named thus because Uganbalžan is located midway between Washleng and Moons. The name's interpretation in Nem is Fukambalsan or sometimes Fukambalsin, due to the similarity with Nem balsin 'fortress'.Morphological break-up
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U-gan 0-pal-žan u-ran
3ABS-travel ABS-lord-ship 3P.POSS-through
3ABS-travel ABS-lord-ship 3P.POSS-through