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General introduction

The term 'órnihhdér describes a gold panner among the Duiniken. Gold is not a metal particularly highly regarded by them, but it plays a crucial role in the worship of Reiridh and for the production of Srád Lónrálous for her cult, the Priestresses of Tán Nám.

Gold panner might be an ordinary job in an ordinary society, but the only river gold can be washed from in Nuat Duinis Talou is the Gellreder, which comes from the woodlands to the North. Suadleyn, whom the Duiniken hate with a vengeance live there and thus the river is associated with filth and sickness and all kinds of negative things. Who makes his or her living by the river, is shunned by Duiniken society, no matter what the output is.



It is a miracle, gold was actually found in the Gellreder, because the Duiniken did not know of the Suadleyn before they arrived. So the gold was found before the river was given up on because of where its springs lie. Nowadays it lies in the borderlands to the North and besides the guards and the 'órnihhdéres (plural of 'órnihhdér) noone looks at the river.

Tasks and role in society

The Priestresses of Tán Nám are not the only institution involved with the worship of Reiridh. Since harvest is an important matter, there is also a royal cult around this goddess, which is likewise dependent on gold for sacrifices or donations. So the river and the 'órnihhdér cannot be abandoned. But 'órnihhder have to abide by special rules: As they are seen as sullied by their job, they have to stay outside of the regular Duiniken settlements. Only after going through a purification ritual may they interact with other Duiniken. The same is true for their product: Gold they find is to be deposited at specific places, where wares as exchange goods are deposited for them as a form of payment. The gold, before coming into circulation, also is subject to a purification ritual.

Even though the 'órnihhdér live on the margins of society, people know who they are. Their position is so precarious and disrespected, that some even call them 'lésródhisnihhder', which literally translates to elf-piss-washer, also alluding to the colour of their product.

Raw Materials Gathering


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Aug 23, 2024 14:52 by Bob O'Brien

Interesting! The gold collectors are shunned by society despite the fact that they're the only source of a material essential for their religious worship. It seems to me there's a great opportunity to apply some "leverage" here if the gold panners ever get tired of ill treatment!

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Aug 30, 2024 03:30 by Secere Laetes

Du hast es tatsächlich gemacht. Cool - und für die Duiniken leider absolut nachvollziehbar. Tja, so wird selbst Gold zu etwas, das irgendwie schmutzig ist... na zumindest wenn es Flussgold ist. Ich vermute, würden sie was finden, wo sie es abbauen könnten, würden sie tatsächlich lieber Minen bauen als weiter den Fluss danach zu sieben.