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General introduction

The priestresses of Lán Nám, being a mystery cult, require a special form of communication to keep unwanted ears from listening to their conversations and unwanted eyes from reading their communications. For this, srífilis was developed, to keep the secrets within the circles of those they were meant to shared with.

Srífilis uses grammar and words of Duinis 'Éch, which can be modified by certain additions. Nonetheless it is, despite its superficial closeness to the regular language, just utter nonesense and gibberish to those not trained to understand it.

Forms of appearance

There are basically two basic communication types for srífilis: spoken and written communication
For spoken srífilis, the members of the cult speak regular Duinis 'Éch words with regular grammar, but the words used and combined make no sense. Also there are hand gestures involved, which might indicate that what is spoken is modified somehow. The use of the language can be observed most often in elderly women belonging to the cult selling Srád Lónrálous by the street. They advertise the shards in their way of speech, gesturing with their hands. Sometimes they recite the 'slogans' like mantras, repeating the same hand positions again and again.
Not much is known about the written form of srífilis. It sure exists, because recommendation letters are written in that language to enable newcomers to enter the cult and the the Tuirbéláhh. Some bits and pieces of it are also present in the Srád Lónrálous and maybe, should it be genuine, in the Giant Srád Lónrálous of Hhridhdur. At least the appearance hints at it having an inscription in srífilis, as it looks like a Duinis 'Éch text not making sense with some symbols, that could indicate a modification of some of the words used.

Media and examples

Other than the recommendation letters, of which only one has ever been seen by non-cult-member and which has soon vanished from the public eye, the Srád Lónrálous are the only textual source we have and the mantra-like ramblings of the old ladies by the street the only auditive rendition of this cryptic language.


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