
MATTER was created with the expressed concept of working with the super powered individuals to resolve issues ranging from clean-up of areas after combat to removal of villains and monsters to crowd control.  In the last 20 years, they have expanded to work with all capes, cowls and titans.   Executive Director Macey Harlow has made it her mission to build the organization with the finest personnel, ranging from doctors both physical and mental, to press agents and spin doctors.  Macey knows about the past of MATTER, and knows what she wants for its future.   In times of major superheroic activity, MATTER will be onhand either directly, or shortly after.  They will do a perimeter clean up, give aid to anyone injured and generally be there to make any statements needed to the press.  They are also known to analyze data and coordinate assistance with superheroes.   Currently two heroes, The Ace and The Sparrow supervise San Diablo under the careful watch of MATTER.  They work out of The Spire, a multi-level base atop one of San Diablo's finest buildings that MATTER controls.


Executive Director Macey Harlow
Field Captain Lucius Stormwind
Press Relations Agent Angela Blake 

Public Agenda

To assist with the day to day living of Metahumans and to assist in the resolution of any issues that may come up in a metahuman situation.


In 1977, President Carter disbanded the military organization ANVIL, and replaced it with a more hero-friendly organization. That unit, organized under Secret Service was the Metahuman Assistance and Training to Everyone's Rescue (MATTER).   Originally built to only work with Titans, it has since updated its mission, and added all capes and cowls to the cause.  Over the last 20 plus years, MATTER has been there for any and all issues that have come up.

Do you MATTER?

Founding Date
April 15, 1977
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Articles under M.A.T.T.E.R.


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