Botany and Bubbles

Using the wonders of unnatural light sources, some miniature versions of surface plants can be grown, but only under very precise conditions. Inside spheres of glass adorn the walls, each containing a botanical or aquatic world unto itself.   But on the outside, no one can tell there is anything spectacular here at all. Its precise location is not know. But some people claim they have seen it, been inside, even met the proprietor.   It's like the speakeasy of florist fish stores.

A World Contained

Wondrous Item


This glass sphere has been magically sealed and contains a small self sustaining ecosystem. There is magic at work here. Fueled by fungalite it has a central light that keeps the plants alive, as the plants grow they feed the fish. The more light it has, the more productive it becomes and the more algae will form. Once every three months the excess algae can be used up by using the sphere to cast a modified Plant Growth spell. It works as the 8 hour version, but only in a 100ft radius.

Cost: 600gp

Founding Date
Shop, Magic
Parent Location