Farnham Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Farnham (FAHR-num)

A drunken resident of Tristram, Farnham was once a strong and stable member of the town until his daughter was stolen away by creatures in the night. Panicked, he searched for her in vain until he eventually joined in the failed rescue attempt for Prince Albrecht, barely surviving the ordeal. Between bouts of drunkeness, he would occasionally venture back into the Tristram Cathedral that haunted his nightmares in search of his child. Sadly, the day he finally found her and returned her to the surface also proved to be the day she died, leaving him untethered and lost in an increasingly dark world.   Now he spends his days and nights nursing strong drink at the Tavern of the Rising Sun. The ordeals he faced have broken him, and even in his moments of sobriety, he is rarely the coherent and reliable man of his past.


Family Ties

Daughter (Deceased) - Varra
Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
1227 AK 36 Years old


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