Tristram Settlement in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Tristram (TRISS-trum)

A humble village in Khanduras, Tristram has little to offer a visitor save a dry bed at the Tavern of the Rising Sun, and a quick peek at the crumbling cathedral on the outskirts of town. It has been hit hard by the recent events in Khanduras, but the most dedicated - or desperate - of its citizens still hold out hope for change.


Tristram was, by all accounts, unremarkable in most aspects until King Leoric arrived from the East and made the area the seat of his power. While the foreign king started reconstructing the ancient cathedral to one day be his palace, he and his court lived well outside of town in a magnificent mansion overlooking the river valley. The small farming town grew in size and popularity for the first few years thanks to the presence of Leoric, but as the king's mind deteriorated, so did the conditions in the area. When lawlessness replaced order in Khanduras, many people began fleeing the area once more, leaving Tristram something of a ghost town in many regards.
Founding Date
1025 AK
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