Mage Clans Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Mage Clans

The Mage Clans, otherwise referred to as the Eastern Mage Clans, Mage Clans of the East, and the Mage Clans of Kehjan, are magic-users based mainly in Kehjistan. Their influence and power has waxed and waned over the history of Sanctuary.   Over a thousand years ago, the many clans fell into a great battle that ravaged the face of Sanctuary for close to a decade, even calling on the forces of Hell to fight in the bloody conflict. When the war finally ended, order was restored to the disparate clans, though the balance of power shifted significantly, with some clans rising to new heights, while others fell into obscurity.
Founding Date
-2200 AK
Guild, Mages
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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