Skeleton Species in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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While many types of dark magic can result in the raising of zombie-like undead, skeletons are almost always the result of specific magics used to create unliving soldiers. Raised from the corpses of deceased warriors, skeletons are imbued with a dark intelligence that allows them to follow complex orders and wield weapons with at least some skill. As such, skeletons are quick on their feet and given to employing varied, if crude, fighting tactics.   Some skeletons are even revived with some or all of the skills and abilities they had in their life, making them dangerous enemies.



Fleshless - As skeletons have no remaining flesh, they are tireless and fearless warriors.
Resistances: Slashing, Piercing
Immunities: Poison
Vulnerabilities: Bludgeoning
Genetic Descendants


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