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Observation station orbiting Sanctuary crashes into surface of the moon.

Disaster / Destruction


A riot on the observation station above Sanctuary results in the station deorbiting and crashing into the deserts of southwestern Terraportum.
Q'Skrae natives following the Cult of El'Anor trace the trail of destruction and establish a small settlement with a temple to mark where their 'Gods' fell to earth.

Riots erupt in the observation station above Sanctuary after news reaches of the Capital worlds of the Golden League going dark. Many residents wish to leave and find loved ones, others wish to hide on Sanctuary and others (led by Sentinel Synth infiltrators) actively want to prevent people from leaving and possibly giving the location of Sanctuary away. These riots ended with the station deorbiting and crashing into the deserts of southwestern Terraportum. A small number of escape pods made it to the surface of Sanctuary landing in three different locations; the hills north of the future site of The Temple of Gears , a heavily forested area just south of the future site of The Citadel of Lykeios and the large island north of Sentinel Station.
Of those that remained on the observation station when it crashed, none survived. A number of Q'Skrae natives following the Cult of El'Anor, see the station crash to the surface, and make a pilgrimage to the area. They establish a small settlement within the ruins with a temple to mark the point where their 'Gods' fell to earth.

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