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Sanctuary before the Collapse

  • -497 PC

    Sanctuary is discovered by the Golden League.
    Discovery, Exploration

    A Golden League ship surveys a moon orbiting Paravon-VI in the Paravon system.

  • -489 PC

    Observation station constructed above Paravon-VIb
    Construction beginning/end

    A scientific observation station is constructed in orbit above Paravon-VIb. Mission statement is sociological and xeno-anthropological research on the natives of the moon.

  • -417 PC

    First Contact with the Q'Skrae
    Cultural event

    An expedition to Paravon-VIb's surface to collect samples of local flora and fauna is jeopardized when a member of the scientific team is captured by a Q'Skrae hunting party.

  • -388 PC

    Cult of El-Anor continues to spread amongst the Q'Skrae
    Religious event

    The Cult of El'Anor that sprang up after the abduction of a lead scientist on a survey mission continues to spread amongst the Q'Skrae tribes.

  • -337 PC

    Temple of El'Anor constucted.
    Construction beginning/end

    A large stone temple to El'Anor and her Daemons is constructed in the hills of southwestern Terraportum on the location of the future city of Covenant.

  • -290 PC

    -277 PC

    Wars of the Prophet
    Military action

    A series of devastating religious wars between the Cult of El'Anor and the followers of Ssasinak and the Old Gods breaks out across southwestern Terraportum.

  • -281 PC

    -279 PC

    Maintenance work is carried out on Paravon-VIb's observation station.
    Construction beginning/end

    Vital maintenance work is carried out on Paravon-VIb's observation station, financed by Gene-Tek, to ensure that the station remains in orbit.

  • -272 PC

    Gene-Tek facility established on the surface of Paravon-VIb.
    Construction beginning/end

    Extensive lobbying by Gene-Tek results in them establishing a biological research facility on the surface of Paravon-VIb a full five years before the moratorium on surface expeditions was supposed to end.

  • -244 PC

    -224 PC

    Gene-Tek facility on Terradeum expands.
    Construction beginning/end

    Gene-Tek is given permission to expand their operations in a non-intrusive manner into the east.

  • -207 PC

    Gene-Tek facility on Paravon-VIb destroyed.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Gene-Tek facility on Paravon-VIb destroyed under mysterious circumstances. Alpha-Site continues operations.

  • -182 PC

    Sentinel Station founded.

    A detachment of Sentinel synths are secretly deployed to Paravon-VIb by the Golden League to keep an eye on Gene-Tek.

  • -154 PC

    Sentinel Synth Infiltrators discovered by Gene-Tek.
    Political event

    A number of scientific and security staff are discovered to be Synth Infiltrators and are assumed to be from a rival company.

  • -102 PC

    GLEEM plan created by Sentinel Station.
    Political event

    The Golden League Emergency Evacuation Mandate or GLEEM plan is proposed by high ranking officials at Sentinel Station . The plan is sent back to the League's capital worlds for consideration. Paravon-VIb is given the designation 'Sanctuary' in official government files in an attempt to hide its location.

  • -86 PC

    Karros Island Array constructed.
    Construction beginning/end

    The Karros Island Array is the first array to be completed.

  • -47 PC

    Maldun Crater Array completed.
    Construction beginning/end

    The Maldun Crater Array is the second array to be completed.

  • -3 PC

    Alpha-Site employees cut ties with Gene-Tek.
    Diplomatic action

    Gene-Tek employees at Alpha-Site cut ties with their off-world bosses, withdraw into the facility and completely seal it off, leaving automated defenses around the facility's perimeter.

  • -1 PC

    Mt. Tarruska Array completed.
    Construction beginning/end

    The Mt. Tarruska Array is the third and final array to be completed, just one year before the Collapse.


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The time during which the Collapse came to the Golden League and the arrival of the first refugees to Sanctuary.

  • 0 Co

    50 Co

    The Collapse
    Disaster / Destruction

    A cataclysm unlike any other hits the Golden League. System after system goes dark and trillions of lives are extinguished.

  • 6 Co

    Observation station orbiting Sanctuary crashes into surface of the moon.
    Disaster / Destruction

    A riot on the observation station above Sanctuary results in the station deorbiting and crashing into the deserts of southwestern Terraportum.
    Q'Skrae natives following the Cult of El'Anor trace the trail of destruction and establish a small settlement with a temple to mark where their 'Gods' fell to earth.

  • 16 Co

    The Fortune's Fool and the Moisa Nomad land close to the future site of New-Korynth
    Population Migration / Travel

    Two ships carrying Golden League refugees, the Fortune's Fool and the Moisa Nomad, make planetfall close to the future site of New-Korynth and a third crash lands into the mountains with no known survivors. The refugees are primarily Uruk, Chitori and Sylvani.

  • 17 Co

    The Celestial Hawk and a number of smaller Ixt craft land near the future site of Monak's Tower.
    Population Migration / Travel

    A small flotilla of Ixt ships, led by the battlecruiser 'Celestial Hawk', land at the future site of Monak's Tower. They carry not only their crew and a small number of refugees, but also numerous high-ranking military officials from the Ixt Hierarchy as well as their crown prince; Yrran Monak.

  • 19 Co

    The Light of Micri touches down outside the future site of Godfall.
    Population Migration / Travel

    A civilian cruiser, carrying Amanthid, Sylvani, Human and Ixt refugees, touches down just outside the perimeter of the settlement established in the ruins of the observation station that crashed 13 years prior.
    The refugees are welcomed by the native Q'Skrae and together they begin to build what will become Godfall, the third great city of Terraportum.