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First Contact with the Q'Skrae

Cultural event


An expedition to Paravon-VIb's surface to collect samples of local flora and fauna is jeopardized when a member of the scientific team is captured by a Q'Skrae hunting party.

An expedition to Paravon-VIb's surface to collect samples of local flora and fauna is jeopardized when a member of the survey team is captured by a Q'Skrae hunting party. The scientist in question was unable to be rescued for a number of months due to bungling by the station's security team. An extraction was eventually organised, by which time it was found that the scientist had managed to stay alive by essentially fooling the natives into believing she was a god through the clever use of technologies she had on her person.
Cultural contamination was extensive and a number of Q'Skrae were killed during the extraction trying to protect their new 'god'. The scientist was eventually able to diffuse the situation and return to the station after tending to Q'Skrae wounded.
A full report was sent home and further surface missions were forbidden for a period of 150 years.

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