Herman the Raptor

"It was something magic I tell you, I looked away for barely a moment and when I looked back he was the massive beast you see today!"
"You told me last week you left him for a year, Eunice. It wasn't some great metamorphosis, the damn thing grew up!"
"Metamorphosis, I say! You weren't there you just don't know. Go ask him if you don't believe me. Now who's dealin'?"
— Argument between Eunice and Jolene

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Herman's egg was found by Eunice somewhere in the western deserts though at the time she assumed it was a rock. A few weeks later the egg began to hatch and the hatchling imprinted on Eunice as she stared horrified at her shattering rock. Eunice made several attempts to get rid of Herman in the first few years, knowing that he would eat her in her sleep, but he always tracked her no matter what measures she took. In a final attempt, she sold the adolescent Utaraptor to a farming family who owned a cage large enough to trap him. Eunice fled immediately on her newly purchased gallimimus certain she had finally rid herself or her horrifying offspring.
A year later as Eunice was being attacked by bandits, the now adult Herman, barely rocognizable with his adult feathers, burst from the dead trees, slaughtering her attackers before turning on her gallimimus. With her steed dead, Herman ripped off it's saddle and flung it onto his own back before crouching down and staring at Eunice who refused to acknowledge his existance for the first week. With no mount, she scooped up her belongings, along with those of the bandits, and headed east.
Herman followed directly behind her, only stopping when the saddle fell off and he had to fling it back onto himself. When Eunice finally exhausted herself she relented and repaired the saddle as Herman excitedly watched. Since then the two have been inseperable and Herman has saved Eunice on several ocassions, though her version of the stories are often different from his and the two can be heard bickering about it long into the night.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eating the former governor and making it look like the local rex did it.
May also be responsible for several other murders blamed on the rex, but evidence is thin.


Hobbies & Pets


Despite her many attempts to run away and put herself in danger, Herman continues to look after his pet human, Eunice.


Fact checking Eunice's tall tales.
Current Location
Bright Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue and green striped feathers
1.5 m tall at his hips, 6.5 m long (nose to tail)
340 kg
Known Languages

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via Canva.com


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