
"Claystown's fun because I made it that way. Did you know there wasn't a single derned person around here that could play cards before I moved in. Damn place was doomed if it wasn't for me."


Claystown informally divided itself into three distinct districts as the town grew to the primary trade hub it is today. The business district, home to banks, stores, and two hotels lies at the center of town. To the south and west lie the expansive stockyards. The north and east portions of town, tucked in the shade of the mountain, lies the largest portion of the town, the pleasure district, home to several saloons and gaming houses.


As the central hub of trade for the Unified territories Claystown Stockyards attract an array of travelers, wranglers, traders, and hunters. In truth, the pleasure district is never far from a lonely wranglers mind and brings in nearly twice as much money as the rest of town.


Aside from the business district, buildings in Claystown are basic wood structures. the only consistant feature found is some sort of rain collector on the roof leading many business people to front their buildings; this not only make their business appear larger than it is, but also hides the often unsightly sets of funnels and pipes.


Claystown is nestled into the corner at the base of Mount Clay and Mount Verrin. The twin mountains provide protection from the twin suns for most of the day providing cooler temperatures where thunderstorms frequently form providing water for the settlement and allowing for some natural plant growth.The natural outcroppings and ledges at the base of the mountains have become home to the pleasure district and proved some of the best views over Claystown and the surrounding desert. On a clear day visitors can even make out the remnants of Hide River several miles to the south.
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Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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