Nec Sight

"Figures, Necs give up everything they are to protect us and what do they get in return? Screwed again. I'll admit watching those flames dance in their eyes does something for a lady though. Makes her all hot and bothered, gets me thinking about this night I spent with... "Shut up and deal the cards Eunice."
Eunice and Jolene


Nec Sight is caused by channeling the dark energies used in Necromancy.


Stage One: Necromancers first notice a gradual shifting of colors as things known to be one color began to appear in different colors. For example, grass which once appeared green will began to appear as blue, pink, purple, etc.

Stage Two: Colors will began to fade eventually becoming less noticable until everything is left in grays and blacks.

Stage Three: The first outward signs will appear, a Necromancer's eyes will began to dance with flame when Bishops are nearby. Most Necs consider this the worst effect since even the dimmest light can attact Bishops in the wild. Many Necs are forced to ride with their eyes closed during the night to avoid attracting danger.

Stage Four: In one of the final stages Necs find themselves becoming almost completely blind, only able to see glimmers of the intense light emitted by a Bishop. Often considered the final stage.

Stage Five: On rare ocassion Necromancers have reporting a type of spectral vision, able to see souls where living people should be. It is also rumored that those in this late stage may also be able to see souls that have not moved on to Death Valley as well as the Reapers that hunt them.

Affected Groups

This condition only affects Necromancers though it may be passed to their offspring. The symptoms displayed by the offspring usually match that of the parent at the time of conception and do not progress to later stages on their own. It is currently unknown if further progression can occur if the affected offspring begans using Necromancy.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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