The Unified Territories


The territories center around four mountain ranges that divide the rocky terrain into the three individual territories. While the tallest of the peaks are still visible, many of the smaller mountains and hills that once characterized the area have been slowly swallowed up by the sand over the last several centuries.


Once a lush rainforest paradise, the birth of the second sun has drastically changed weather patterns in the last thousand years. During the winter weeks the area is prone to torrential downpours that form temporary rivers. Large hail, severe lightning, and tornados are common during these storms.
  For the remainder of the year there is little to no rain and the region dries out within the first days of spring. By late spring the Unified territories are plagued by frequent sand storms that range from small tornados to hurricanes that last for days.

Fauna & Flora

Despite the changing conditions of the territories they still serve as home to several species of dinosaurs and megafauna, most notably, rexs, iguanadons, several types of raptors, and megalocerous.
  Most of the native flora has died off due to the lack of consistent rain. In their place the sands have blown in seeds from a variety of cacti, brush, and trees. Though little of this flora has been edible, cacti have become a common source of food and hydration leading many people to raise them as crops with hopes of making the winter rains last farther into the summer.

Natural Resources

Steel and iron are common in much of the Unified Territories along with many types of gems.


The Unified Territories were founded in the late 1600's as an attempt to formally unify the people and form a military to handle increasing rex and velociraptor populations. While a federal government does exist to oversee the territories and enact laws it is, in fact, little more than ceremonial. In reality the government knows little of the goings on of each territory and the small military that did result in its founding has been less than successful in their efforts.


Visitors to the Territories are rare due to the great desert that surrounds the continent.
Included Locations

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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