
This figure is enigmatic and mysterious. Extremely arrogant, he appears to be some sort of leader of the Lost Fingers cult. He was encountered by the Frostyear Guardians during their final confrontation with Bergatha, the Hag (see Chapter 12) where he used several of his own men to delay the heroes progress into the hag's lair and give her time to prepare her ritual at the Ilyrinan Machine.

Physical Description

Special abilities

While little is known about this "shadow" all indications are that he possess considerable arcane power. When the Guardians confronted him and his cult before the final battle with Bergatha, Saleek's arrow revealed that the man was not there, but was instead a projected illusion, a very advanced form of magic. Unbeknownst to the party, the image of "Shadow" appeared again after the defeat of the hag and the raising of Hagsfall Tower to examine the aftermath. Since then the figure has not made a reappearance, though its reasons are unknow.

Personality Characteristics


Shadow displays a seeming fanatical devotion to his "master" though it should be noted while that devotion was enough to command other cultists to their death, it did not extend to he actually risking himelf.


Contacts & Relations

Shadow had at least two known subordinates working the the area of Ardrest both are now deceased.
Aligned Organization


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