Hagsfall Tower

A strange relic of a forgotten past, turned to a bastion of the future. This pure white tower made of Ilyrian Whitestone arose from the ground north of Ardrest in a single day. With no one else to claim it, it has become the home of the Frostyear Guardians this has made them de facto lords of the surrounding lands, something that has not escaped the notice of the nearby states who seek the support of Hagsfall to augment their own political struggles.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the tower is unknown, it appears to have been built down into (or built and later sunk into) the earth by the Ilyrians with the purpose of containing the Ilyrinan Machine at its base.


The Guardians have spent the half a year since the defeat of Bergatha turning the solitary and relatively empty stone cylinder into a proper tower, base, and fortified keep. This has attracted people to the growing settlement, bringing both guards, laborers, and eager adventurers to the area.


The tower is a cylinder of Whitestone, perfectly circular at its base and roughly 300 feet tall. While not the grandest feat of architecture ever, the fact that it survived thousands of years below the swamp, and the earthquake that thrust it above the landscape speak to the strength of long lost Ilyrian construction techniques.


Its original purpose long lost, the tower was little more that a deep pit in the swamp north of Ardrest, until Bergatha found it and the source of power in its lowest levels. Building it into her lair, she filled it with all manner of foul creatures and was able to securely oppress the populace of the surrounding lands from the shadows for decades.   The events of Bergatha's defeat set off a series of magical reactions which raised the tower above ground as well as changing the local swamp into fertile land. It was then claimed by the Frostyear Guardians as their new home and rebuilt and refortified to provide protection to those living in the area of Ardrest.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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