4.1.1 Meeting Letitia

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

10 Ches, 1491, Morning

  ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: Is it possible for me go visit Letitia? Or did you want to have the whole party go together?
DM WHISPER TO ADMOIRA: Sure, did you want to do it in a way that the rest of the party doesn't know?
ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: She's not being openly deceptive, she'll just go since everyone else is kinda doing their own thing this morning.
DM WHISPER TO ADMOIRA: You make a few inquiries about Ms. Kelsey as you head out into the town and, amidst some winking and smirking, the locals manage to direct you to her house. It is a small, single floor peasant shack.
ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: I'll go ahead and head over there. Don't know if you'd like to split the party or not.   You make your way to the house indicated, it is a simple home, and appears vacant from the outside.   ADMOIRA: Admoira covers her head with her cloak and gently knocks on the door with her staff. If there is no answer after a few minutes, she carefully examines the house, seeing if there are any Druidic markings or other things she could use to ascertain where she might have left to.   There are no obvious markings about the door, it takes some time but after a moment the door does open, there is a bedraggled looking Kelsey holding a rough sheet around her body. (Are you in firbolg form?)   ADMOIRA: Yes, I'll be in Firbolg form
(apologetic, druidic) "Oh, I apologize. Is this an inopportune time?"   LETITIA: The woman looks you up and down, a feat considering your hieght, still holding the sheet in front of her with one hand.
(affectionate, druidic) "Interesting. I have not seen one of your type before... but you speak the druid's tongue... Two people in as many days I must be so popular!"   ADMOIRA: (embarrassed, druidic) "Oh, yes... That was me as well, I took the form of a Human to comfort one of the captured girls. I meant not to deceive, but it was a hectic night."
The large Firbolg fidgets with her skirt.   LETITIA: (affectionate, druidic) "My my, you are a sneaky one, *she says with a smile,* I like that. Come in, my bedroom is small, but will allow us a much more intimate conversation."
She would turn, leanding you through the tiny house, to one of the back room barely bigger than the small bed occupying it.
(affectionate, druidic) "Make yourself comfortable cousin. I don't belive I got your name, not your real one anyway."   Just as you are about to enter, there is a rush of air as suddenly, Saleek lands next to you. The sudden movement causing Letitia to pull back slightly.  
Saleek enters the scene

SALEEK: "Saleek lands next to admoira."
"to Admoira: Need backup?"   Saleek, you land next to the small shake, Letitia Kelsey is framed in the door, a sheet clutched to her body.
Admoira was ducking her head as if just about to enter the shack.   ADMOIRA: "Admoira pulls back also, but then smiles."
(friendly) "Oh, hello. Letitia, this is my friend Saleek. He rescued me from the Blacksashes, as he did with you."
(friendly) "To Saleek: I was wanting to speak with Letitia about a few things. Do you have need of me?"   SALEEK: "No, I wanted to speak to her as well, perhaps she knows of the missing child, or where she could have been taken?"   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods, then looks to Letitia to see if her expression changes.   LETITIA: Letitia would seem slightly... disappointed, maybe? She ties a knot in the sheet as she, motions for you both to enter the small building.
"Oh yes, I would not forget being rescued by a talking bird... Come inside... I guess the main room will have to do."   ADMOIRA: Admoira ducks her head down to fit inside the house, then follows the others to the main room.   SALEEK: Saleek sighs heavily at the bird comment, and continues in.   Letitia's home is the same as you remember it, Saleek. Small and cramped, it does not look like she made any attempt to straighten the mess the previous night. Though it is cramped you all do manage to find sitting space around what must serve as the home's dining table.   LETITIA: "*Letitia slowly rubs her temples as she speaks.* You wanted to know about Jandi's girl, yes? Whatever they might say about me in town I certain hope things have not gotten to the point where they are staying I am stealing children..."   SALEEK: (serious) "*Any* information you can spare Letitia..."   LETITIA: (tired) "I grew up with the woman you killed last night... she was always a bitch... but not an insane torturing, black sludge spitting bitch... I do not know what is going on, but I can feel it. Something wrong is out there... can you not feel it too?"   SALEEK: saleek slumps his shoulders, ever so slightly.
"perhaps a part of me *does*..."   LETITIA: "If you had not come along Tilly would probably have killed me down there... or worse.
Something is working its evil in this town. I do not know if my mistress will help or hinder your cause, but I will make the introductions if you so choose."
(druidic) "to Admoira: I think you would like to meet her as well, sneaky one."   SALEEK: Saleek turns to admoira.   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods, looking down at her feet.
(anxious, druidic) "I wish also to speak with you privately, if you have time in the near future. I do not wish to keep things from the others, but I have questions I hope you might have answers to."
Admoira blinks and then smiles apologetically to Saleek.
(embarrassed) "Apologies... Yes, meeting your mistress would be most welcome, even if she will not help us."   SALEEK: (curious) "anyone wanna share with the class?"   LETITIA: (amused) "Yes. It is perhaps a days to the edge of her woods... longer if she does not wish you there. We would do well to arrive at dusk. I am still recovering from what Tilly did to me, but I do owe you all. I could get dressed I suppose..."
(playful) "to Admoira: Of course, Dear Cousin. Perhaps if your traveling companions will spare us a tent for our female modesty it will allow us to become intimately acquainted."   You two did miss a bit of a lore dump, I'll let the others catch you up before I cover up anything that was missed.   ADMOIRA: Admoira's face burns purplish, and her ears droop. She fidgets with her hands, flustered, but nods.
(ancious) "Your guidance would be of great help, thank you."   Letitia stands, her movements slow and measured as she makes her way to the shack's tiny closet/bedroom. She lets the sheet fall to the ground, making no move to hide herself from either of your eyes. She still bears many bruises from her captivity. She puts on a simple dress and comes to join you again.   LETITIA: "Were you wanting to leave immediately or did you have other things to do first?"   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "I am ready to travel. I will wait here if you wish to finish up any business in town you may have, Mr. Saleek."   SALEEK: "I want to check in with Varian, get a couple of supplies and see what the others are up to... admoira, you'll let us know if you need us, yeah?"   ADMOIRA: (friendly) "Of course."   SALEEK: Saleek departs and flies back into town, looking for the smith.
Saleek vanishes into the air in a gust of wind.  
Saleek leaves, his story is continued in 4.1.2 Saleek

LETITIA: (affectionate) "Do your friends often come and go unannounced like that, cousin?"   ADMOIRA: (apologetic) "They do as they please, as all should. I worry he has cause to think I am keeping something from him and the others."
(embarrassed) "I have not been among others besides my tribe before, and I find myself hopelessly confused on how to act around others. Apologies..."
She digs through her pack for a moment and pulls out her faerie mask.
(anxious) "I wished to ask if you knew more about this, and also about our kin to the south. I was traveling down to visit with them when I was captured by the Blacksashes and subsequently rescued by my new friends."
ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: Were the Druids I was going to see to the south? It's been a moment and I can't seem to find where we first talked about it by scrolling.   LETITIA: (playful) "Oh, well what fun is it being a woman without a few things to be discreet about, right?"   ADMOIRA: (amused) "Very true, cousin.   LETITIA: (admiring) "*Letitia holds out a hand, taking the mask and turning is slowly in her hands to look at it (if you let her).* This is fine work, mine was just simple wood."   ADMOIRA: Admoira fidgets with her hand as she watches.   LETITIA: "Our masks are gifts from the Auroral Mistress, they help bring us closer to the spirits of nature and focus our powers... I take it your enclave is different then? That is our way to the south, our magic is from and at the will of the spirits and the Auroral Mistress. In fact... I have only seen one other mask like yours, and it is worn by the Mistress herself."
She hands the mask back to you with an almost this is too much for me to touch look.   ADMOIRA: Admoira accepts it back, turning it curiously in her hand before re-wrapping it in soft cloth and placing it back in her pack. ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: I wasn't sure if it was important to the story **how** I got the mask. Did you want me to have obtained it a certain way? DM WHISPER TO ADMOIRA: Up to you, I'll roll with your backstory :)
also yes the druids you had heard of were in the south somewhere, you didn't specifically hear about the Trollbark forest to the south, but it seems like a good place to find druids.

(affectionate) "Thank you for speaking with me about it, it definitely gives me something to think about."   LETITIA: (affectionate) "I do hope to have left you thinking about me as well, sneaky one. *She favors you with a wink.* You're always welcome here. Anytime!"
(serious) "When you are ready to meet my mistress, have you and your friends seek me out."   ADMOIRA: (friendly) "Of course, thank you. I'll go find the boys and see if they are ready. Until we meet again, Cousin."
The large Firbolg embraces Letitia before gathering her pack and heading out.   Letitia definitely seems to be the kind of girl who is always up for an affectionate hug, she holds it for what might just be a little too long before letting you go.   ADMOIRA: Waving goodbye, Admoira heads back into town to find her companions.   It takes you a few moments, but you do catch sight of Saleek landing and entering into the small stone building next to the town hall. This the town jail and you find the dwarven sheriff as well as all of the party except Kenris within.  
Continued in 4.2 Ardrest's Jail


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