Chaghenath'vha (CHA GHEE NATH VA)

A large settlement by Yvalian standards, Chaghenath'vha is the most popular of the Yvalian closed ports. Merchant ships from the southern continent are allowed to dock there, unload and sell their goods to local merchants, and depart. The town itself caters well to foreign merchants and sailors, by supplying them a walled off district of the settlement. Any attempts of outsiders to travel deeper into Yvalia are punishable by death.


The Forienger's District encompasses much of the docks, numerous markets, warehouse, public squares, taverns, brothels, and of course a sizable temple to Lyndranel. It is separated from the rest of the town by a large, well patrolled wall.  The power of Yvalian law is minimal in the district, crime flourishes, and most anything can be bought for a price.


This settlement was the launching point for the naval force in the Battle of Amitron a monument, which also serves as a lighthouse, has been built in the bay.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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