Duland (DEW LAND)

Considered by most to be the oldest of the Human cultures, the Duland humans are considered to be the heirs to the last of the giant  culture prior to the Fall. Typically larger than most other humans, Dunland humans are considered to be friendly, peaceful, and sociable. However, they also display a deep sense of pride in themselves, their families, and their past, that once wounded is very slow to repair.  The ethnic group is most concentrated in the Norian Peninsula and some places in the eastern Clearian Lowlands.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Duland humans while typically being referred by their given names, will place their family/clan name first in formal contexts.


Common Dress code

Personal pride in their physique, combined with the warmer climate compared to the more northern human kingdoms, tends to manifest in fashion choices that most other human groups consider barbaric or risque, witch Dulands freely showing off skin that they feel is a virtue.


Beauty Ideals

Among all human cultures, Dulands display the strongest sense of pride over their physical bodies and are quite prone to complement physical attributes of others (even where culturally inappropriate).

Gender Ideals

Assumedly much like the giants before them, Dulands express little to no difference in gender in terms of profession or social position. It is an old Duland adage that one should naturally do the job they are best at, and for them, most jobs are independent of one's gender.

Major organizations

Noria is the man political organization for those of Duland decent.
Traditional Duland man
Encompassed species


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