
Humans on Sanzeia at by far the most common of the mortal races and also the most varied. They come in a wide variety of skin, hair, eye, and facial morphologies, and can be generally found in at least some capacity in all civilized spaces throughout the world of Sanzeia. Compared to many of the races of Sanzeia humans live relatively short lives (made even shorter by a remarkable habit of fighting amongst themselves and drawing the anger of the many monsters of the world) but, as even the proud Elves reluctantly admit, manage to accomplish much support of establishing "legacies."    Humans can mainly be found in their major settlements on the eastern side of Carentress and are mostly concentrated in Clearian Lowlands, Elowean Plateau, and Sheer Coast. Their major political states include: the Kingdom of Elow, the Clearian Holy Order, the Free Cities Accord, and Timer. However, there are few major settlements across Sanezia that do not feature some human population, even the dark elven empire of Yvalian holds a significant population of Rakhnid humans.  In the distant past, some of the elder races saw humanity as invasive and there were purges aimed at pushing humans out, but those efforts have proven ultimately unsuccessful. While the level of acceptance varies, in general, it is acknowledged humans are just a part of life on Sanzeia.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

Common Myths and Legends

After the Fall of the Giants humanity has become the second patron race of the foremost of the gods Ulmark and his wife Eo. They are said to have come from giants who were punished to give up their greatness and stature, but continued to live through the sacrifice of Eofir.   In the middle of the Age of Myth humans are said to have built the Neatherese Civilization which wielded power Sanzeia had never known before and will never know again. This civilization angered the gods and was struck down for its follies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Human beings posses considerable biological variance between ethic groups and cultures, while the other (usually longer lived) races fail to particularly notice the significance of such variation it is common to humans who seem fond of fighting wars over such things hair color, or the place one's ancestors were born.  Most human on human prejudice is Sanzeia is based on state/ethic group membership, with biological distinction serving only as short hand identifiers for the previous.  Most other races have a mixed opinion of humanity, being generally impressed by its accomplishments, but equally concerned about its many shortcomings and its collective ability to integrate itself into any settlement or culture.   Carnally, humans have shown remarkable ability to mate and produce children with not just other mortal species but even planar entities as well; by far most planetouched children have one human parent.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
65 years
Average Height
5' 7'' / 1.7 m
Average Weight
165 lbs / 75 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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