Noria (NOR IA)

Said to have once been the holdout of the last uncorrupted Giants on Sanzeia, the people of Noira are strong, hardy, quite tall, and fiercely independent. They have resisted all attempts of the neighboring Clearian Holy Order to consume and convert their country, and maintain traditions fiercely loyal to "the old ways." Political and cultural unity is low on the Norian Peninsula but the mistrust of outsiders, has thusfar limited outside influence in the area.

Public Agenda

The Norian states are fiercely independent, and seek to protect their territory from all incursions from Clearia to the west and the threats from the sea. Noria does not have a strong sense of unity or political goals, but is considered a collective group by the rest of Sanzeia.

Demography and Population

The average Norian stands a head and a half above most other men, giving credence to the belief that they are the last of the giants. There are even rumors of hidden tribes of giants and their kin deep within the forests, and swamps to the east.


The various city-states within Noria each supply their own military force, which is used to both protect their individual borders and police the populace. In theory they could be martialed to protect the state as a whole, but the likelihood of repelling a force like Cleria's is low.

Foreign Relations

Noria is generally politically silent, preferring to stay uninvolved in anything outside its borders. It views its only neighbor, the Clearian Holy Order and the rare but terrible raids from across the Sea of Scales as an invasions waiting to happen.  

"Spirt of the past. Freedom of the present"

Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
The eastern marches
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Neighboring Nations

Unwelcome conversion

Clearia sees the people of Noria as barbarians and heathens. The Norians resent the Clearian proselytizing.

Coastal and naval raiding

Historical raiding

Noria was one of the few spots on Carentress frequently raided by snakemen during the Age of Myth, such interactions have steeply declined.


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