Exile of the Dark Elves

Though it is unclear the root cause of of the events, sometime in the 13th century BT a schism formed in elven society on the western half of Carentress. The spilt seems to be of both a religious and political nature with most pointing to the obvious cultural differences between the two major elven states on Sanzea. Where Himse is a republic, valuing free through, beauty and the sun god, Calowean, Yval is a feudal autocracy that values the moon goddess Lyndranel, strength, and isolation. Some tales attempt to make the spilt more personal by tying it directly to a rivalry between Himse the Prophet and the Immortal Empress.   Regardless of how it started, by the later half of the 13th century, Moon Elves had been generally speaking driven out or purged from the lands that would comes to be known as Himse. The dark elves where driven north, where they embarked ships at the port of Szobeth -- this city, still standing within Himse today, is one of the last remaining reflections of pre-Yval moon elf culture -- and fled to the cold, dark continent of Jessia.  Yval's capital of Alathelnae was formally founded in -1260 DR, and has stood as a rival to Himse ever since.


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