Immortal Empress

Empress Yvalia

Yvalia is the ageless leader of the the Yvalian Empire.  She is said to be thousands of years old, well beyond the lifespan of any elf, but if true she has continuously ruled her people since the age of Myth.  It is unknown how she has survived this long, but the Sun Priests of Himse say that it could only be the work of dark and foul magics.  Some say she is the last of the Godtouched from when the gods still walked the face of Sanzeia.  She is highly secretive, attended only by her Moonpriestesses and most trusted confidants within the towers of Alathelnae. From there she serves as both the spiritual and political leader of her people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though only seen from afar and only during special occasions, the Empress is said to have the body of an elven maiden and not a crone of 5 millennia.  Yvalian tradition holds that her beauty is second only to the goddess Lyndranel herself.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

If the stories are to be believed, Yvalia personally lived through her people being driven out of Himse and pushed to the very edge of Carentress. She guided her people to the frozen north of Jessia and settled a new home. She is unlikely to forgive Hisme for such an insult.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
3184 BT 4675 Years old
Yvalian Faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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