Goblin Mines

Originally built as a dwarven mine in the mid 14th century, the mine was considered played out by 1400 DR and abandoned by its creators. This allowed all sorts of unsavory creatures to take up residence in its twisting tunnels, the most recent being the late Noch Ratsmasher and his tribe of goblins. The warren was cleared by the Frostyear Guardians in 1491, though it is still inhabited by a group of less violent wild goblins.

Purpose / Function

Once built to mine silver, the mine was abandoned by its dwarven builders. Goblins have not been kind owners, tearing apart most of the dwarven furniture and using it to construct the various traps, barricades, and subdivisions that make up a goblin warren. They have also been quite prolific in their covering the walls in layers of goblin graffiti.
Founding Date
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