Chapter 2

General Summary

The party gathered information in town, before setting out at dusk to deal with the local goblin tribe. Saleek, Mandar, Ylva, and Heskhax follow the goblin they had captured the night before northeast towards the Misty Woods. Along the way they meet the elven rogue, Varian Iliris, who informs them of undead trouble to the south, this prompts the group's paladin to depart. At night, their captured goblin sees its chance to escape, and makes a run, directly into a totem left by one of the hags. He is knocked unconcious by the hag's curse. Not knowing what else to do, the party leaves the goblin tied to a tree and heads onward.   The next morning, entering the forest, the party comes upon the paladin Kenris in a clearing and he agrees to join them. Approaching the entrace to the mine the goblins have made into their lair, the group dispatches the goblins guarding the entrance. While Ylva and Mandar stay behind to keep watch, the party heads into the mine. In the first encounter, Kenris spares and heals a Wounded Goblin who is impressed with his kindness.   Heading deeper, the trio face more goblins, and are joined by Donny, Randal, and Rini in time confront the goblin leader Noch Ratsmasher. Dispatching him and ending his rule over the goblin tribe, the wounded goblin from earlier reappeared, and agreed to lead the party deep into the mines, where they found Randal's ward, Edward where he was about to be sacrificed to the monster known as the "Crooked Lady."   In the flooded depths of the mine, a twisted hag emerged from the water, viscously attacking the party, but fled when her attacks revealed a object of sentimental importance to Saleek, the Painted Disk.  With the hag fled, the wounded goblin lead the party back up to where the rest of the children were being kept, allowing the party to return to Ardrest with the missing children.


  • The party overheard rumors hinting at the Greenvalley Farm, the Ardrest Druid's Circle, a missing guard, the town's inability to control the Black Sash Gang.
  • While traveling they encountered the hag's scarecrows, and left a goblin tied to a tree.
  • The party encountered the hag, Lendi beneath the goblin mine, but she fled.
  • The party rescued Randal's ward, Edward, and the young children of Ardrest. 
The witches' totems before the Misty Woods

Articles under Chapter 2


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