Mij'esian Empire (MIDGE ES)

Far to the east of Carentress lies the Empire of the Mij'es. In general the people of Mij'es are see with either awe or fear by those on the western continents. At times willing traders, at times despotic conquers, but most often rarely seen subjects of fantastic tales. Every child knows at least a story about the serpentmen of Mij'es, but only the bravest sailors of Bhakh  have even attempted to cross the Sea of Scales.


A defining trait in all facets of life in the Mij'esian Empire is that the needs of the Empire must be met first. Wealth, occupations, service, and faith all flow upward, but once those needs have been met, an individual is free to do as they wish with whatever remains. As such, life in the empire is both highly oppressive and highly multicultural at the same time.

Demography and Population

Mij'es boast a diverse population of many races and species. Upward mobility is theoretically based entirely on wealth, but the empire has settled into a de-facto caste system; exceptions exist but serve more to prove the rule. The serpent-like yuan-ti occupy the top of the structure as rulers, priests, administrators, and generals; for most any function of the empire a serpentman is likely at the head. One of the first species conquered, the loyal leonin have earned their place below the aristocracy particularly where military matters are concerned. They often serve as assistants or battlefield commanders. The Empire is supported by a vast working class of free persons, indentured servants, serfs, and even slaves many are humans, but most any race can be found.


Official doctrine is that two of the Thirteen hold primacy over the Empire and all within it; the despotic goddess, Shivad'ress and the destroyer, Raz'ka. Decadence, enjoying life, and accepting its end are all capital morals within the empire's many shrines. The Empire is also home to a multitude of lesser gods, both those belonging to its conquered peoples, such as the Leonin, and more "primitive" house and nature gods; so long as Shivad'ress and Raz'ka receive their tithes, it is one's own choice how many further offerings they will make.

Foreign Relations

While legends from the Age of Myth tell of great Mij'esean treasure fleets that traveled the world, in more recent times the empire has become particularly isolationist, and all but vanished into the uncertain area of myth and legends. Tales tell of Mij'esean raids in Noria but for most of the rest of Sanzeia the reputation of these serpentmen has faded to the point where most are uncertain they ever really existed.

Trade & Transport

The empire has closed off its borders and ceased all trade.  Though formal trade channels do not exist, the main import into the empire can be said to be labor and workers, most of them unwilling. Elaborate goods made of gold and bearing serpent motifs occasionally appear on the western continents. They bare the telltale marks of impressive skill in both craft and magic.
Founding Date
c. -4000 DR
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Economic System
Palace economy
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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