
For most of Sanzeia, the word Tabaxi is synonymous with Catfolk. They are a race of feline-like humanoids, roughly shorter than humans and of lithe graceful builds. Their origin is uncertain, and tales tend to place them have either come down from the north somewhere in Jessia  or up from the south across the Southern Ocean. They are generally believed to be a favored race of the goddess Eo, although personally many possess a innate curiosity and wanderlust and worship Luciel.   Tabaxi have no established state, and instead tend to be wandering merchants and explorers. When they settle in mass in established states, they tend to carve themselves off section of larger cities and make it their own despite (or perhaps because of) the consternation this might cause the parent culture. There are rumors and tales of a long lost catfolk empire that was the basis for some of the tabaxi eccentricities, but no evidence has ever been found.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Tabaxi have one of the most common naming traditions on Sanzeia and it appears wholly unique to them. Supporting the belief that the tabaxi are descended from a lost empire, tabaxi children are named accord to a complex astrology system linking their birth to a lost, ancient calendar and tend to made of two pairs of words. Thus a tabaxi's name could be something like "Seven Dawn Lake Swan." The tabaxi will then typically refer to themselves via a reference to that name such as "Bathing Swan at Dawn." Which for simplicity sake they will shorten to typically a single word that they will use in most contexts such as  "Swan."
Encompassed species


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