
A race of furred, cat-like humanoids. Mythologically, they are thought to have originated in the north, in lands now claimed by Yval or Asha, or conflictingly, from somewhere south of the Southern Ocean. They are said to be the children of Eo. Gifted with a natural sense of curiosity and wanderlust, small migrant tabaxi communities can be found throughout civilized Sanzeia, but are often treated as oddities at best or vagrants at worst.  


Found almost exclusively across the Sea of Scales in the semi-mythical lands of Mij'es is a race of catfolk refered to as the Leonin. These creatures, while still possessing feline traits similar to the tabaxi, are nearly twice the size and are used as fierce warriors by the serpentmen. If the leonin represent a separate species, a magic alternation, or the product of years of special breeding is unclear.
Conservation Status
Average Height
5′ / 1.5 m (tabaxi)
8’5″ / 2.4 m (leonin)
Average Weight
120 lbs / 54 kg (tabaxi)
257 lbs / 117 kg (leonin)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

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