Croglen (CROW GLEN)

Groglen is a small independant shipping community on the eastern edge of the Sheer Coast that is famous for two things. First it is home to one of the largest Temples of Ciuna which has given the city its less than kind moniker. Second it is currently the only independent trade port in the Sheer Coast. These two factors together make the city something of a haven for undesirables and adventurers.

Industry & Trade

While not as major a trading port as those held by the Free Cities Accord or Clearian Holy Order, Croglen is independent of greater government oversight, thus making it a frequent launching point for those moving good clandestinely or wanting to disappear.


On one of the hills overlooking the bay at Croglen, sits one the largest of Sanzeia's many temples to Ciuna. This compound in addition to housing the priestesses, is a hospital and orphanage housing hundreds. While spells such as Ciuna's Deferment are generally available locally people "making a pilgrimage at dawn" regularly visit the city for needs both spiritual and practical.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
the Bastard City
Inhabitant Demonym
Related Maps
Sanzeia World Map


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