The Basilisk

The Basilisk is the flagship of the fleets of the Free Cities Accord and is directly under the command of Dreadcaptain Wavethrush. It was custom built at his request to compete with the larger and heavier warships of the Yvalian Empire.  Most pirate vessels rely more on speed that firepower, but the Basilisk is built specifically for power and intimidation purposes; it has taken relatively few prizes since its hull was laid and most of them surrendered without a fight, but it remains a symbol of Accord power within the region.

Weapons & Armament

The Basalisk as the flagship of the Free Cities' fleet is heavily armed with cannon and ballistae. While still built under a pirating spirit, the ship is build to engage from a longer range, and relies on smaller vessels to pin down its targets.
Owning Organization
200 ft / 60m
Complement / Crew
60 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
40 passengers / 200 tons / 181 mt


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