Ulesst (OU LESS T')

the Hoarder, She Who Sleeps on Gold

Shivad'ress in the time before mortals, bore the great serpent, Raz'ka three children, and each took after their father's hunger.  Ulesst, the Yuan-ti Goddess of wealth, hungers for all things valuable and the power that comes from them. She considers herself the best, smartest, and most powerful of the three because her desires are not simple physical hungers.   For the Yuan-Ti she is a frequent granter of boons, though all come with a price, for it is said that every coin Ulesst gives away brings her two in return. She embodies the serpent-men's belief that wealth and power are transient things and eventually even the most wealthy will loose it all when the goddess comes to collect.

Divine Domains

Gold, gems, wealth, greed, poverty

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ulesst is typically represented by a vertically slit serpent's eye, typically found embossed on Mij'esian coinage.

Tenets of Faith

Ulesst teaches Yuan-ti what they regard as the simple truth that wealth is power. But as with all of the serpent gods is a warning of excess, for it is believed that should one's personal wealth be great enough to draw the goddess's eye she will strike down anyone and claim their gold for her own endless horde.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Ulesst is said to be willing to trade anything for gold, jewels, and other luxuries. Tales abound of mortals believing they took advantage of the goddess's greed for their own benifit, and while they do enjoy power, the goddess is devious and patient and always benefits in the end.


Contacts & Relations

Superior Diety: @shiv

Family Ties

  Ulesst also possess an unknown number of mortal children, as it is a regular theme of her tails to be tricked into marriage or sire a child in exchange for wealth. The common theme of these tales is that whenever the mortal inevitably breaks the deal that they had entered with the goddess, she will disappear taking all her property -- including children -- with her.  One particularly gruesome tale involves a merchant who made the goddess his wife for twelve years, and each year she bore him a son.  When the term was up, she began to leave with the merchant's wealth and children in tow, the merchant demanded that at least half of the household belonged to him, the goddess agreed. She cut each of the children in half with her golden blade and left the merchant to cry over his murdered family.

Wealth & Financial state

It is said that Ulesst possesses a great treasure horde which she secrets away aboard her magical ship The Golden Star to a land of pure gold that only the goddess knows. She is said to single handedly possess wealth equal to thrice that of all Mij'es. She is also said to know the location of ever piece of gold that is hers, even if it was stolen from her.
Divine Classification
Lesser Divinity
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization


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