Cults of Mij'es

Travelers to the Mij'esian Empire say that they have temples to 1000 gods, and twice as many cults. While probably an exaggeration, religion within the empire is perhaps the most free and personal choice for a subject be they royal or slave. Anyone can freely join any cult that will take them, and the state has little care for the actions of said cult as long as they do not upset the stability of society.   Many view cult membership as a path to social power, and while some cults inevitably turn to violence and mortal sacrifice, it is generally seen as the individual's fault for being taken in. The Mij'esean leadership has generally stayed out of religious politics, stepping in only where a cult qualifies as a full scale rebellion. Cults worshiping Raz'kaChildren of Shivad'ress, or her children are seen as safe and favorable but every god (small or large) is likely to have at least one cult in the empire.  Cults that worship planar entities such as Devils, demons, or elementals flourish here and are only suppressed when they become a problem.

Tenets of Faith

In the lands claimed by Mij'es faith is a surprisingly free and personal choice. While all citizens are expected to venerate the highest Yuan-ti deities Shivad'ress and Raz'ka, pretty much any other religious practice is accepted so long as the serpent god's primacy is unchallenged.  Most households claim at least one minor deity, and many freely fall in and out of various cults. Demon worship is as common as is animism. The faith of conquered groups and slaves is untouched so long as they understand their place.
Religious, Other
Permeated Organizations
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