Unichue (OO NEE CHEW EH)

the White Stalker

Great ice cat wild god of Asha Unichue is the great cat god of the Asha, while traditionally the tribes did not have god, but rather powerful spirits, Unichue was generally considered to be the greatest of them, and had a place in Ashan creation myths. When the Tribes of Asha were integrated into the Yvalian Empire it is said that (alternately depending on the teller) either the Immortal Empress took Unichue as her subordinate, or the goddess Lyndranel did and gifted him to her mortal representation.

Divine Domains

Ice, snow, hunting

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

For the Ashan people Unichue represents the pinnacle of strength, self reliance, hunting skill, and cleverness. He is ferocious and deadly, but respects those with personal strength and the will to use it. His associated animal the great ice cat is one of the most fearsome hunters in the Rakhnid Peninsula and claims most hunters that seek it.
Divine Classification
Wild God
Current Location
Other Affiliations


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