Tribes of Asha (ASH AH)

In the cold and dessolate lands of the Rakhnid Peninsula in the northern reaches of the Yvalian Empire lives the wild barbarian tribes collectively known as the Tribes of Asha. Proud, and fierce, these Humans resisted the might of the Empire throughout the age of myth by continually striking at the elven legions from the cold and mist, and vanishing as quickly as they came. It was only sometime around 750 DR when the Immortal Empress herself traveled to the tribal holy site at Asha and met with the leaders of the tribes that they were finally incorporated as one political unit into the empire.


The collective Ashan state consists of hundreds of tribes, administratively they are all governed via moots held at the holy site of Asha. It is from there that the high-chieftains and high-shamans rule the rest of the tribes. In theory any tribe is welcome to send a member to represent them in Asha, but the journey is perilous and only the larger tribes bother sparing the manpower.


The tribes are just that, small groups, few more than several hundred and some as small as a single family, that live, hunt, and work together. Tribes frequently come into conflict, but most consider raiding as both acceptable and amusing. A favorite tale is that of "the Gluvox of Hakinama" that was said to have been traded between a trio of tribes so often that the beast never spent two seasons in the same camp.


The Tribes of Asha are one of the few notable societies that does not believe in the Thirteen, or rather they (thanks to their close ties with Yval) acknowledge them as gods, but offer no prayers to them. Instead the Ashans have a animist belief where natural features and animal life are governed by wild spirits. As their shaman have been recorded performing some form of divine magic, the tribes are likely worshiping some god in disguise.


The head of each tribe has final say in the laws of their people, with the ability to appeal to the high chieftains in Asha. Overall Ashan cultural law seems to favor respect, compromise, and social stability. Trial by combat is a popular form of justice, and while duels are quite common for the Ashans few are fatal.

Agriculture & Industry

The frozen lands of the Rakhnid Peninsula provide little in the way of farming. Ashans survive via hunting and fishing and consider agricultural produce to be rare delicacies. Because of this harsh life even the young are taught to hunt and fight, making the Tribes' single largest export mercenaries and adventurers.

"In ancestral footsteps we tread"

Founding Date
750 DR
Political, Confederation
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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