
Maura, also known as the Silver Mother, rules over the domains of Life, Death, Renewal and the Moon. She oversees the life cycle of all living creatures - you are born, you live, you are returned to the earth. The natural world is her temple and as such she holds a quiet disdian for the gods who champion industry, technology and ravaging of the lands resources.

Divine Domains

Many of Maura's clerics are associated with domains of Nature, Life, Twilight and the Grave.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Maura is typically represented as an outline of a humanoid woman comprised of the stars and celestial bodies of the night sky. Her symbol is a Silver Tree on a Dark Green background.

Tenets of Faith

  • Nature. Flora and Fauna are inherently free of malice and thus deserve respect and preservation.
  • Life. Sinister arts and any school of magic that disrupts the natural life cycle or unsettles the rest of the dead must be struck down.
  • Inner peace. The ultimate achievement of humanity is to achieve universal and atomic oneness with the cosmos and the natural world.
Founded Settlements


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