
Serenity, the jewel of the wild Fey jungles. The city of druids, magic, and ancient earth. Ruled by an elven witch queen, who seeks to unlock the innate magic potential of all of her followers, and create an understanding of the magicks found within the elements. Serenity is disconnected and untrusting of the other countries, and its peoples live to preserve the natural world.


One of the smallest capital cities, the peoples of Serenity are largely an organized collective of clans and districts. There are eight formal Clans of Serenity, as well as dozens of groves, covens, villages and collectives. They are all united however in their connection to The Great Kauri, also known as The World Tree. Where the roots of the World Tree connect is considered the city of Serenity. The denizens of Serenity worship Maura (The Silver Mother) - Goddess of Life, Death and Renewal and the Moon. They are close to the pseudo-element of shadow.

The Awakened

The jungles and forest touched by the World Tree are also called the Lands of the Awakened. There is a subtle life magic in the woods, and when the stars will it so, that magic blesses the woodland creatures of Serenity. The wild animals go through what is called The Awakening. They are overcome with a bioluminescent explosion of nature sorcery and gain the awareness and sentience of the civilized creatures. The creatures often organize in the towns around The Great Kauri and serve many roles in Serenity society. The current high advisor of the Witch Queen Sera is an awakened chipmunk named Pistachio the Brave.


Serenity, despite its connection to natural magic is a true authoritarian nation. The ruling clan selects among themselves the most powerful of their sorcerers whose word is law. The current ruling clan is the massive Clan Nightingale, said to be the strongest and wisest clan to ever rule Serenity. Their matron, the Witch Queen Sera is an elf of ageless beauty; kind and gentle to her followers and severe and ruthless to her enemies. All clans and named districts of Serenity must make a journey to The Great Kauri annually to pay tribute to the Queen who provides with them protection and access to the magic of the forest,


The Northern Woods

One of the most expansive forests in all Saol is the Northern Woods on the Peninsula known as Maudra's Reach. The woods give only a taste of the true magicks that lie in the deeper city. Home to forest gnomes, druids and the more peaceful fey creatures, it is often a land of quiet contemplation. Many villages are scattered throughout the Northern Woods. They accept and acknowledge the power of Serenity and follow their respect of Nature whether out of personal choice or fear. The woods are often friendly to outsiders, many of these small towns having inns and shops catering to the wandering adventurers.

The Western Coasts

Another area of Serenity friendly to outsiders is the Western Coasts. The curious and welcoming Tritons are traders by nature, whether of goods or knowledge, and are open explorers, researchers and adventurers wishing to do business. The underwater city of Ko'tan however, home of the southern Tritons is generally off limits. Many other settlements have also popped up along the coast of varying species with similar ideals. Because of the proximity to The Great Kauri, this area is constantly under the watchful eye of the Witch Queen herself.

The Southern Jungles

South of The Great Kauri, magic is raw. These jungles are a dangerous place and the threats often wild and unpredictable. The Forest Guardians make their home here, as well as the most powerful and ancient druid clans. Fey creatures with ill-intent are generally attracted to the raw magical energy as well. The Atomic Practitioners understand these dangers and combat them in their pursuit of knowledge. The jungles are also heavily influenced by the Swamp Kingdom of Mercy and the Hokum Nation of Whisper.

The Great Kauri

The tree at the center of Serenity is known as The Great Kauri. A massive one of a kind species; it is said as far as the roots reach is considered the kingdom of Serenity. The tree itself is home to Clan Nightingale and serves as the seat of power for the Witch Queen and her immediate subjects. Deep in the tree is also the only known stable portal to the Feywild and the location of the Fey Embassay. Symbolically, the tree represents the life of Saol and garnishes a sense of awe and beauty for the natural world.

Guilds and Factions

The Fey Embassy

The only stable portal to the Fey Wild exists deep in the Great Kauri. Surrounding this portal is the Fey Embassy. Only in recent years have fey creatures begun to live among the various cities of Saol and it is through the diplomacy of the Traveling Court and the generosity of the Witch Queen that allows this. While the embassy exists to ensure a peaceful existence for fey creatures among the cities and countries of Saol, in truth most cities have welcomed the peoples of the fey with open arms. Satyrs and Harengon have even found positions of power in the governments of Diligence and Odyssey respectively. The current leader of the embassay is the ambassador of the Winter Court, a beautiful Eladrin sorceress named Liorae.

The League of Atomic Practitioners

Atomic Practitioners are a school of sorcerers that seek to understand the atomic make up of all things. Their power is innate but relies on a strong connection to the natural world, often blending their own molecules with that of their surrounding reality. An incredibly rare genetic trait allows these sorcerers to manipulate magic at an atomic level, altering the world around them. Prior to becoming Witch Queen of Serenity, it was Sera of Clan Nightingale who formed the League. It is now overseen by her daughter, who has expanded the league to not only include sorcerers themselves but all those who respect nature and wish for a higher understanding. She has even welcomed in foreign researchers from Odyssey to further her endeavors.

The Circle of Revelations

In the Southern Jungles, in an ancient grove you will find the oldest collective of users of natural arcana in Saol. The Circle of Revelations Druids are a loose alliance of seers, doomsayers, mystics and powerful wielders of nature magic. There are generally two schools of thought in the Circle of Revelations, those that seek Salvation for the natural world and those that embrace Damnation. These druids are also often called the Druids of the Last Grove.

The Forest Guardians

A collective of Giants, Ents and mighty Firbolgs; the Forest Guardians are the monsters at the end of the cautionary tale of respecting the earth. Led by a brutal half-ent named Bruunik, these beasts are seemingly always waiting and always watching. At any moment ready to tear limb from limb those that might disrespect the people of the woods.

The Seven Clans of Serenity

The witches and warlocks of Serenity are usually easily distinguishable by appearance and presence. The Seven Clans of Serenity, located on all different parts of the city have distinct territories and distinct practices. Each have their own political and social views and must be treated as such from an outsider perspective. The ruler of Serenity is selected from the most powerful clan determined through debate and often violence at a clan summit every ten years. The clans are as follows:

Clan Nightingale

The Ruling Clan for the last eighty years, thanks to the extraordinary power of the Witch Queen Sera. The sorceresses of Clan Nightinglade are said be the daughters of the Silver Mother herself. A society not unlike the ancient high elves of Highspire, however embracing the values of the forest witches of folk legend. Beauty and power go hand in hand and the elves of Clan Nightingale have both in abundance.

Clan Moonglade

A militaristic clan of hunters and warriors. Clan Moonglade does not rely on magic, although warriors who shows signs of magical ability begin training at a young age to master it. As such, the clan is filled with many who wield both spear and spell. The clan is also home to many shapeshifting warrior druids with the ability to turn into powerful lost and ancient creatures. They are identified through their many scars and tattoos.

Clan Thimbleberry

The gnomish race is an incredibly rare one in Serenity, and the forest gnomes of Clan Thimbleberry are the stuff of legend. Their glades in the Northern reaches of the city where the dense jungle turns into peaceful forest are home to these shy illusive peoples. While they are mainly healers, magical proficiency in Clan Thimbleberry is abundant and the other clans are lucky the exact measure of their power remains unknown.

Clan Silvertide

The western shores of Serenity are home to a clan of Tritons and other shore dwellers united under the banner of clan Silvertide. Unlike the other clans, Clan Silvertide keeps its connections to the outside world strong - encouraging trade and the peaceful exchange of ideas. Serenity has become a reluctant ally of the peoples of Odyssey in their quest of understanding thanks to Clan Silvertide. They also oversee the majority of the business done by the city with the rest of Saol. Deep underneath the waters off the coast are said to be the true home of the Silvertide Tritons, Ko'Tan, a sprawling underwater city of lost magic.

Clan Wildsprite

The black sheep of the clans of Serenity; Clan Wildsprite, formerly the court of the southern Wood Elves is home to playful Satyr, sly Eladrin, and all manner of mischievous fey creatures. Having declared an informal war on the order of society they live for merrymaking and chaos. When traveling through the woods of Serenity, a playful giggle in the distance should be a sign Clan Wildsprite is not far.

Clan Dreamgarden

Comprised mainly of druids and lost fey creatures, Clan Dreamgarden compared to others is a kind and welcoming clan. A soft respect of nature is all that is required to take the Dreamgarden mantle. They are largely nonviolent and certainly non confrontational, but the powerful Firbolgs at the heart of the clan will not back down if they or their people are threatened.

Clan Elysium

A clan of staunch worshippers of The Silver Mother and comprised specifically of those who maintain the balance of life and death. Children born into the clan take their vows at the age of seventeen to follow the path of the Grave Cleric. If they are accepted by Maura they go on to be some of the strongest religious warriors in Serenity. If not, they will take a role as a worker or laborer in support of the clan. Those who do not wish to take the vows are exiled from the clan to find their own way.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fey City
Inhabitant Demonym
Mainly Elf with a smattering of humans and halflings. Serenity is also home to strong population of fey creatures including Eladrin, Satyrs, Harengon, Fairies and more.


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