
Paradise, the Desert Jewel. A massive sprawling desert city and the wealthiest city in the continent. Despite its location, the city is the heart of commerce in the world. If it exists, it can be found at The Golden Oasis. Ruled by a singular Sultan and his shadowy council of advisors from lavish palaces. The city is also home to the most devious of rogues, thieves, assassins and the generally unscrupulous.


Paradise is mesh of all Saolan races, at least any that can bear the scorching desert sun. Paradise is famous for being a true city of opportunity, where a creature with the right confidence and initiative can make a name for themselves. The main god of Paradise is Zevran (The Orator) - God of Secrets, Arcana, and History. They are close to the element of air.


On the surface, Paradise is ruled by a singular Sultan - one whose word is law. The Salmandra line has ruled Paradise since the time of The Herald. In recent generations they have grown weak and complacent. Their current ruler, Hastius, is a timid child. In his shadow stands the massive golden Loxodon, Haseem Tohooz, representing the glorious shining face of Paradise. As well as Vyprus, a snake like figure and High Councilor. It is said the true rulers of Paradise are The Shadow Council, mysterious advisors to the Sultan.

The Shadow Council

Considered the true rulers of Paradise, The Shadow Council exists as single man known only as Vyprus and a small hidden army of nameless agents, operators, plotters and scoundrels that grease the wheels that keep Paradise thriving as a criminal haven. It is said that Paradise flourishes because the council wills it. The Council also directly oversees the Paradisian Intelligence, when a merchant speaking too loud about government corruption suddenly disappears it is widely accepted that the Intelligence is behind it.


While the true strength of Paradise exists in the shadows, the city does in fact have a standing army in the Paradisian Security Force. Led by a former knight of Fortitude, Sir Loris Drummond, they serve as the city guard, the palace guard and reserves should war every break out. Compared to other nations not much is to be said about Paradisian Security as most men of skill can easily find a much more lucrative life in one of the many mercenary guilds. Behind the scenes however, working directly for the Shadow Council is Paradisian Intelligence. While the Security Force is more a collective of sleepy guards, the Paradisian Intelligence and its invisible agents are lethal boogeymen. In truth it is they who keep the city from plummeting into an anarchist wonderland.


The Golden Oasis

The most famous and largest open market in all of Saol is The Golden Oasis. A hazy fog of exotic spices and illicit substances, entering this market is said to put one in a state of euphoric zen, intentionally dulling the senses. Loosely structured and loosely overseen, this market is a sprawling haven for eclectic sellers of magic, slimy fences, black market enchanters and everything in between.

The City of Jewels

Of the nine districts that make up Paradise, seven of them are named for precious jewels. Generally, the more valuable the jewel, the more prominent the district. They are as follows.
The Diamond District
Home to the Crown Jewel, the Palace of the Sultan and overlooking the Oasis, this small area is one of the most guarded in all of Paradise.
The Ruby District
Home to the Great Library of Visenya as well as the most elite academic institutions and the most secure markets and trade quarters. The Ruby District is off limit to non-elites. The palaces located here are generally reserved for not only the most wealthy but also people of influence.
The Emerald District
All of the houses of statecraft and government buildings are located in the Emerald district. The headquarters for Paradisian Intelligence as well as the Merchants Union Hall are also found here.
The Sapphire District
The most exorbitant public district is The Sapphire District. Large homes, higher end markets and elite venues of entertainment. Many of the cities most luxurious hotels, casinos and brothels are located here and it is rumored to be the hidden location of the Thieves Guild.
The Opal District
When tourists and visitors pass through The Golden Oasis and enter Paradise proper the will likely first enter the Opal District. Catering to visitors and adventurers, this district houses most of the inns, pubs, shops, etc. and attempts to keep crime at a reasonable minimum as to not scare away money.
The Amethyst District
The area of Paradise closest to the Oasis, this district is the shady, energetic shadow of the Opal District. Crime is rampant but for those that can keep their wits, the Amethyst District offers much in the way of adventurous work and countless pleasures. Most mercenary guilds are run out of The Amethyst District and compared to the others, security is keep at a minimum.
The Turquoise District
The largest and poorest district in Paradise, a mainly residential district that houses the working class of Paradise downwards. Not worth the time for the thieves and mercenaries and the majority of the commercial businesses tend to cater to the locals.

Outer Paradise

The surrounding areas outside of the city walls are loosely under the protection of the Sultan. Tribes of leonin and the desert folk set up temporary encampments in these areas when dealing within the city. A dangerous area where unorganized bandits and marauders prey on unsuspecting travelers.

Guilds and Factions

The Librarians

Being a truly ancient city, Paradise is home to some of the oldest known structures on Saol. The oldest of which is The Great Library of Visenya. The building is in fact a singular great stone, carved into that of a massive structure, both above and below ground. The Library is overseen by a strict order humbly referred to The Librarians who guard with their lives the ancient and lost knowledges of the world. The Library itself is said to be the only building not under the thumb of The Shadow Council as even they fear the ancient secrets it houses. Sahdvis Vadret, a mute immortal elf oversees this vast collection of ancient arcana.

The Thieves Guild

The true headquarters of The Thieves Guild is appropriately located in Paradise. Functioning almost as an accepted evil, many of the casinos, dens, arcades and houses of ill-repute are overseen by the thriving rogue presence. Nearly all Thieves Guilds in Saol pay tribute to the Munificent Prince (another name of the Thieves Guild ruling council).

The Merchants Union

The only way to even come close to keeping your pockets safe while doing business in Paradise is to join The Merchants Union. This collective oversees the sprawling Golden Oasis, the largest open market in Saol. They also have an uneasy alliance with The Thieves Guild as they keep Paradises reputation to the outside world as legitimate. There is saying among merchants in Saol "Only in the Golden Oasis" meaning an item is so incredibly rare that the only place in Saol it can be found is this marketplace. The Merchants Union Leader is a bubbly gentleman named Asim Sakahn.

A Vicious Oasis

Paradise is currently home to a whopping forty-seven mercenary organizations all competing for business. The current leaders are Sons of Ket, a pseudo-religious organization that worships a beyond ancient god of war. The current leader of the Sons of Ket and one of the most feared beings in Paradise is Taagrach Tredish, a lizard person who clasims to be a decendant of Tailong, a dragon of folklore and sun god from a time before Alstarius. Other famous guilds include The Circle of Silence, a pact of dark mages; the Sisterhood of Venom; a female only group of assassins; and Tribe of the Great Beast (or just The Tribe), non-human bounty hunters that worship Morgash, The Beast King.
Alternative Name(s)
The Desert Jewel
Inhabitant Demonym
All races can be found in Paradise. Mainly human and elf but many rare races can be found here such Loxodon and Tabaxi.


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