
Zevran, also known as the Orator, rules over the domains of Commerce, Secrets, Arcana, and History. Zevran encourages indivuality, advancement and lateral thinking. Followers of Zevran often disregard the Laws of Man instead finding home amongst the rebels and renegades of the world.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Zevran are associated with domains of Arcana, Knowledge and Trickery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Zevran is often dipicted as an older inquisitive rogue drawing arcane knolwedge from an ancient text. Sometimes he is a humanoid figure comprised of lost languages. The symbol of Zevran is a chained amulet representing knowledge, but sometimes will be depicted as a chained book.

Tenets of Faith

  • Commerce. Everything has value. Life, objects, knowledge, etc. and the exchange of this value is the cornerstone of society.
  • Challenge. The laws of man and society is falliable and should be treated as such, constantly questioned.
  • Wisdom. Raw strength is second to cleverness, intellect and strategy. One should never stop sharpening one's mind.
Founded Settlements


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