
Towards the end of the third age, Saol was finally in a true age of peace thanks to the efforts of The Herald. To formalize and solidify this peace, The Herald called the leaders of the great nations to a council and drew the borders of the nations and set the guidelines for Saol's future. He chose the site of this meeting underneath a massive floating landmass, a scar from the Night of Chaos. In time, a city would grow around this meeting spot, aptly named, Unity. And on the landmass, a massive floating fortress known as The Citadel, to be site of all summits to come and an enternal symbol of peace.


Unity is a place for peaceful contemplation and as such is lacking the in typical amenities adventurers crave. There is no guild presence, legitimate or otherwise and shops and inns are minimal. People who live in Unity generally do so temporarily to realign themselves in the Ways of the Seven. As such there is no limitation on the races found here, although distant races such as fey creatures and Eladrin are often rare. There is also an abundance of warforged that live in this city and serve as the security force. These warforged are much different than the warforged of Fortitude as the technological is not just rare and mysterious but also comprised of great and legendary magic.


The city of Unity is governed by a an ancient elf named Eli Hart who serves as Arbiter. Formerly Elithra Hartswift of the kings of Highspire, this elf has entirely devoted himself to he mission of world peace and the symbol Unity represents. There are a few powerful elven warriors and mages that assist in overseeing the city as well, mainly as local leaders or magistrates - but final authority lies with the Arbiter.


While there are a few hundred powerful clerics and other warriors and mages of skill, the true guard of Unity is actually a large battalion of over one thousand warforged. These glimmering blue knights serve Eli directly, created in the name of peace and solely programmed to presrve that sentiment. The Elite Guard, incredibly powerful beings of speed and magic guard The Citadel directly. Measuring less than a dozen but with the strength to topple armies, these mechanical warriors are created with ancient magics from the times of the Night of Chaos. There is some controversy in having such a powerful force being controlled by one person, especially when the sentience of that force is debatable.

Industry & Trade

Unity is mainly self-sufficient, as the pilgrims and travelers who amke their homes here are happy to contribute to the city. The peoples are provided for but labor of some sort is generally encouraged. Additionally the seven capitals are required to make a small yearly tribute to Unity.

Points of interest

The Great Temple of the Seven

The largest place of worship in all of Saol is the Great Temple of the Seven in Unity. A sprawling complex with wings dedicated to each of The Sacred Seven as well areas for each of the lesser dieties, inluding some controversial figures such as Scaithe, the Patron of Shadows and Morgash, The Beast King. All who dedicate their lives to worship of any of The Seven are encouraged to make a pilgrimage here once in their lifetimes. This temple is also the final resting of The Herald, the founder of contemporary worship of the gods and the harbinger for the current age of peace. A great shrine is dedicated to his honor in the center of the complex although his actually tomb is forbidden to the public.

The Citadel

Towards the end if the Night of Chaos, it is said a great elemental titan, known as The Leviathan, rose from the northern bay to launch an assault onto the land. A great battle ensued and the titan was killed and pushed back into the bay, now known as The Leviathan's Cage. The land was left scarred and a great magical anamoly left a landmass flowating in the sky nearly a half mile above the ground. When the city of Unity was founded, The Herald and his magical followers sought to turn the floating scar into a symbol of peace for the world. They built on top of the landmass a massive fortress known as The Citadel. A flying beacon of magic, strength and cooperation. The Citadel is said to be the most secure location in Saol with the only entrance a massive two way portal from the city of Unity below. Guarded by twelve beings of immaculate power known as the Elite Guard, despite the symbolism behind it, it is a force to be feared.

Inhabitant Demonym
Unity itself is a smattering of all races, mainly human and elf. The Citadel is almost entirely warforged soldiers.
Characters in Location


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