The History of Ahmsear

Explore the various eras of Saolan history.

The World Before

Dawn of Time - Year 20 BC

Before the eternal storm struck the world of Ahmsear, entire civilizations, countless races, peoples, gods, and perhaps even visitors from the Stars populated the thriving planets. Ancient Saolan records and artifacts speak of two sister continents, Scytain and Iobrie. Regarding the composition of Ahmsear, Scytain was the mind, Iobrie was the body and Saol was the spirit. The arcane technology of Scytain is said to be beyond modern comprehension. If it could be thought of, it could be born into existence. It is possible through these ancient brilliant minds, Ahmsear had a connection with races from other galaxies, although if true they have been quiet these past millenia. Iobrie, were the shining might and the peacekeepers of Ahmsear. Demons, devils and creatures from the far realms lived in fear of the raw skill of Iobrien races. Saol, was a nation of humanity, spirituality and prosperity. It is said the gods of the time lived among the Saolans, they respected peace, culture and civilization. When the chaos struck it is said it is because of the Saolans connection to the gods they were able to survive.

  • The Dawn of Time
    The Lifebreath of Aon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    It is said that Ahmsear was once just a rock floating through space until an unfathomable being known as Aon noticed its potential. Aon, breathed in deep and exhaled life onto Ahmsear. Trees erupted from the earth, oceans surged from the planets core and the first living beings crawled. Other cosmic entities took notice and grew attached to the tiny mortals turning this empty space rock into a civilization. Aon left the planet in peace but the other entities stayed and influenced its growth, these entities became Ahmsear's ancient pantheon.


The Night of Chaos

Year 20 BC - Year 1 BC

The Chaos appears. It is not known from where The Chaos originated, only the impact of its destruction. Scytain, Iobrie - gone in an instant. Without the technology or the might to fight against the waves of destruction, Saol alone endured through the will of the gods and the willpower of the people. The Seven, the Saolan gods, rose up to face The Chaos - in a burst of divine power The Chaos was halted. However, that was just the beginning. Saol was plunged into war, as hellish creatures appeared from the skies, crawled from the ground and crept from the shores threatening to eliminate Saol one way or another. The people rallied behind their gods and fought the creatures back, plunging them into the darkness. Eventually the Archdevil Hyborim and his cohort appeared to launch one final assault on the continent. They were however no match for the gods and upon their defeat The Chaos retreated. Until this day it lingers just beyond the Saolan borders, a danger frozen in time.

  • The Night of Chaos
    The Arrival of The Seven
    Celestial / Cosmic

    With Iobrie and Scytain destroyed, the peoples of Saol braced themselves for obliteration. However the Pantheon of Saol intervened. The Sacred Seven descneded from their Celestial Thrones and took up arms against The Chaos. The peoples of Saol rallied and for a period gods and men were one at the same. Brothers and Sisters in Arms standing true against annihilation.


The First Age

Year 0 AC - Year 297 AC

Dawn of the Gods

The Chaos of Hyborim hung like an electric sheet of swirling death hundreds of miles off the Saolan coasts. The war was over and Saol was in ruins and the rest of Ahmsear drowned in a fog of arcane miasma. A population of billions reduced to less than a million in the span of twenty years. Entire races, entire nations, entire histories gone from existence. Not a single major city was left standing. The Seven Gods, weakened from the incursion, united once more and set off on the only course available to them - rebuild. They guided their peoples to the seven corners of Saol and founded seven cities, these would eventually become the modern day capitals of Saol’s great nations. Each city was founded upon the principles of its founding deity. Lesser deities were also born or drawn to this rebirth and appeared throughout the lands. During this time, the gods lived among the people, gently guiding them in their endeavors. After a few centuries, remnants of the war become far and few between. Under the guidance of the gods, weakened as they were, there was peace. This age of solemn determination continued for nearly three hundred years.

  • Dawn of the Gods
    The Founding of Seven Cities

    As the World enters the first stage of its rebuilding, The Sacred Seven each influenced the founding of a great city. These cities reflected the personality and values of the gods. Serenity and their protection of the earth, Oppoprtunity and thier sense of community, Sanctuary and the their goals of peace and love, Paradise and their values of wealth and knowledge, Odyssey and their need for discovery and adventure, Diligence with their honor and duty and Fortitude, the heart of civilization.


The Second Age

Year 0 AG - Year 1217 AG

Age of Darkness

After centuries of rebuilding, the gods, no longer immortal, one by one began to leave this mortal coil - returning to their celestial home in the stars. The last of the gods, Elijah, passed in 297 A.C. Although their spirits would linger eternal, this marked the end of the gods living as mortals among the Saolans. Saol slipped into a dark age. With the seven nations fully established, but without divine leadership or intervention, the people became suspicious and confused. The efforts of the gods became that of a soft wind; they were fully worshiped in their own rights, but their lessons of loving thy neighbors became harder to abide by each day. Tribalism reigned and war was frequent. The next twelve hundred years was a grim time, kings and nations rose and fell, for a time Cogadh, the warrior nation had conquered most of Saol. However, spreading itself thin, its vassal states were in constant revolt. This era was a night without end. The few histories that remained to the Saolans were destroyed or lost. Magic all but disappeared and its few practitioners were outcast or killed. The lesser deities that made their home amongst the Saolans had mostly fled and the doomed nation of Saol had truly begun to embrace its fate of self-destruction.

  • Age of Darkness
    A War Without End
    Military: War

    After the last of the Gods had left Saol, an attitude of anger, abandonment and unease spread like a plague. Diligence, believing it was the strongest of the nations, saw it as their responsibility to lead and proect the rest. This began with an invasion of their neighbors in Paradise, starting with a war that would last centuries. Establishing themselves as The Diligent Empire, they inspired constant rebellion and created a land ripe with crime and villainy. This was however also a time of heroes as many rose to the meet this chaos and protect the weak.


The Third Age

Year 0 RS - Year 989 RS

Age of Redemption

With the continent on the brink of ruin, a voice of unity rang out. A mortal, known as The Herald, said to be sent to Ahmsear from the heavens, began to teach the people of the Way of the Seven. He brought miracles and showed the populace how to connect to the old gods, the Seven saviors who fought The Chaos and preserved Saol. The common folk felt the winds of change and a spiritual revolution occurred. The leaders of the surviving countries met and drew the modern day borders of the seven great nations. The world was entering a time of peace and a time of magic. The warmongers and villains were brought to justice and the teachings of unity reigned supreme. This period of growth and inspiration lasted nearly a millennium and Saol was once again determined.

  • Age of Redeption
    The Arrival of The Herald
    Religious event

    Little is known about The Herald, including his true name. What is known is The Hearld possesed an aura of peace not seen the gods left. A charismatic wanderer who spoke hard truths disguised as kind encouragement. He re-estiablished The Way of The Seven. He spread the words of Freedom, Cooperation and Charity. He spoke of a bright future where Saol could rise up, dissapate The Chaos, free her sister continents and one day reach The Stars.

The Fourth Age

Year 0 AS - Year 301 AS

Age of Spirit

Almost a thousand years after the arrival of The Herald, the world was renewed with the spirit and energy it had not seen since before The Chaos. A summit was called and for the first time, seven leaders from seven nations met to determine the fate of Saol. The Sacred Saolan pact was signed and the seven nations agreed that no country shall ever take unwarranted aggressive actions against another lest they suffer the wrath of the other six and be shunned in the name of the gods. Saol had truly entered an age of enthusiastic peace. An age that has lasted for over three hundred years. Without the threat of each other, each nation began to focus on the tenants that defined them. Fortitude, the heart of the Saolan civilization, focused on industry, production and invention. Diligence embraced the way of the warrior, ever prepared to defend Saol against foreign threats. Paradise, a land of wealth and ambition became the heart of commerce. Sanctuary, a strong, happy city and home to the greatest smiths and craftsmen in Saol. Serenity, a reluctant ally, believing in the ancient magic and beauty of the world. Opportunity, the city of charity, compassion and community where any lost soul could find a home. Finally, Odyssey, the champions of exploration and the tip of the spear in the fight against the containment of The Chaos.

  • The Age of Redemption
    The First World Summit
    Diplomatic action

    The official start of The Fourth Age began when the leaders of the Seven Cities met in the city of Unity for the first formal world summit. These pillars of humanity, under the teachings of The Herald ushered in age of lasting peace. The summit took place in a relic of the Night of Chaos, a floating island fortress known as The Citadel, now a symbol of Unity.

The Fifth Age

Year 301 AS -

Age of Freedom

A new summit has been called and the future of Saol hangs in the balance...

"And another thing... No more damn year zeros!"   Pirate King Allestar Matchlock

  • The Age of Freedom
    The Second World Summit
    Diplomatic action

    What lies in store for the future of Saol?