The Seven Cities

The Seven Great Capitals of Saol


An arcane city of prosperity and achievement. This sprawling metropolis combines industry with magic and leads the world in manufacturing and invention. Fortitude is the spark kicking off Saol into the worlds Industrial Revolution.


A military city of might and prowess. The most elite warriors of Saol are born here in city of justice. Home to the Grand Saolan Games. A city of honor, the Diligent have a strong sense of guardianship and believe it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak from the evils of the world.


A lush, vibrant, bioluminescent spectacle of nature and sorcery. With its strong connection to the Fey world, Serenity is a beautiful place of magic and wonder. Distrusting and disconnected from the technology and industry of the other nations.


The shining jewel of Saol, this sprawling desert city is an oasis of trade and culture. The beating heart of commerce, home of the fiercest mercenary guilds, and vault of the ancient libraries and mysteries of the world. Ruled by a propped up Sultan controlled by a cabal of shadowy advisors.


A warm fireplace on a cold night. In the frozen north beneath an icy fortress lies the underground city of Sanctuary. A welcoming bastion of craftsmen, smiths and inventors. These massive, fire lit dwarven halls are a beacon of warmth, peace, happiness and endurance.


Formerly a nomadic city, Opportunity rooted itself as a beacon for the lost and forgotten. Surrounded by rich and beautiful green fields, it is ruled by an order of warm-hearted Paladins whose oaths serve the common folk. Opportunity is for all and any who believe in community, compassion, charity and the fulfillment of a hard days work.


The island city of discovery. Formerly a pirate fortress, this hub of scholars, adventurers, bards and explorers leads the world in uncovering the unknown. A seafaring city whose roots lie in trade, now spearhead the mission to clear The Chaos from the world.

Other Major Cities


The Iron Kingdom, more commonly known as Ironside is a sprawling dwarven civilization under the Ironside Mountains. In terms of size, Ironside would actually rank as the largest of all of the capitals of Saol. During the Times of Chaos, the Kingdom was a new settlement and would have stood no chance against the beasts and invaders and instead closed their doors and stayed beneath the mountain and was rightly shunned during the years of rebuilding. Now the Dwarven Lords seek recognition on the world stage and have been petitioning to rank Ironside as the eighth capital of Saol.


Since the first World Council, the leaders of all of the great nations have agreed on a neutral meeting spot to discuss and plan the future of Saol. The city of Unity is the remnant of a massive arcane anomaly during the Time of Chaos which resulted in a floating landmass. This landmass has been studied and the magic mastered by the greatest minds of the current age. These grand minds built the city of Unity on the earth below. Above, a massive floating fortress was constructed, known as The Citadel and it is within these grand halls the World Council convenes.

The Council of Seven

Byron Harper

Governor of Fortitude

Agrippa Markaryan

Lord-Commander of Diligence

Allestar Matchlock

Pirate Lord and Odyssian Ambassador

Hastius Salamandra

Sultan of Paradise

Sera Nightingale

Witch Queen of Serenity

Galarae Hargreeve

Lord of Sanctuary

Natalia Quartermaine

High Paladin and Opportune Ambassador


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