BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A practice took up by those to the west of The Staircase, but not always. Requires participants to make a monthly sacrifice, attend weekly ceremonies in the Celestial Church in Ferkor - if possible - and pray every morning. Along with this, people who take up the religion will have the tip of their pinky sliced off which the tiny bones are removed from and hung on strings that hang from the roof of the Church, along the side of the pinky the markings of a Celestial being are tattooed on.   The religion revolves around an idea that five beings known as Thel'Gamaug, Morosi, Takeuchi, Somi'Yarago and Reladee floated through a void attached to one another by a single umbilical cord, they could not communicate until Morosi gave birth to a colossal fish made of thousands of eyeballs. The Fish Eyes allowed the beings to communicate and they each shared their ideas of a world which they controlled and shaped. As the voices of the others poured into their minds it became too much for one being to handle and their heads began to grow and grow until they burst and the Celestial minds physically manifest and melded together creating the lands of Sapphire that you walk on, with their giant bodies still hanging below the Disc.   As the minds began to become one, each Celestial died. Takeuchi died first, being forced to the middle and having his mind cast upwards creating the Staircase and the Steps. Morosi died next, locked in place she began to cry from the grief of losing her Fish Eyes before drowning in a lake of her own tears, her mind cast out the land creating the land of the elves Renalla and her tears forming Lacrimae Lake. Afterwards Somi'Yarago died next, the pressure forced his eyes to burst from their sockets and blood poured which created the Oculus Swamp, while one eye went missing it is rumored that his other acts as Aspectum. The fourth was Reladee, who did not want to die in pain and so she forced her love into the land and created the Painted Desert. The final was Thel'Gamaug, who simply allowed himself to die, leaving behind nothing on Sapphire. To the Church Thel'Gamaug is viewed as untrustworthy and the Celestial to which those against Ferkor would worship, it is stated that he created a land on the underside of the Disc where all go after death unless you can be saved by another Celestial be praising them enough in life.   Those who follow the Church also believe that the non-physical minds of the Celestials live on on the Inamorta Plane, which is where the Celestials are able to still watch on at all the ongoings of Sapphire and can choose champions to represent them on the physical plane.


While both groups hate each other, as their work goes against the others, the Burgandy's can put up with Celestialits if they have to.


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