Amrustil erd Vortdegal

Duke Amrustil erd Vortdegal

Amrustil erd Vortdegal was born in 29 AL in the noble family erd Vortdegal. He was the firstborn son in old line dukes that rules over the City of Varglara in the name of Holy Human Emperor and Great Empire. He was raised in loyalty to the Empire and Holy Church but also to serve well to his people and the city.
Young Amrustil showed great potential for politics and diplomacy, and also caring for his subordinates. However, his physical abilities were far from impressive. This made him to feel a little ashamed around his father or when looks at statues of his ancestors in the family crypt. All of them were strong and athletic men, warriors and soldiers, veterans of Varglarian Marine Corps. His grandfather leads the very same corps during The Last War and on assault of northen beaches of Western Continent reporting directly to Twinight Icedhowler. And the heir of erd Vortdegal couldn't ever pass entrance exams!
Armustil were 20 years old, when his father died in a horrific incident during combat drills of The corps. The burden for the city, citizens, surrounding area, and all other fell on his shoulders. He became the new Duke of Varglara. For first years he supports the Empire unreservedly growing amount of bad, unethical, unfair and so decisions slowly undermine his faith in it. He spent several years in fruitless attempts to confront imperial bureaucracy and to ease the life of peasants. This proves to be useless. Each year new taxes were introduced, making the life of common folks harder and harder. The border was crossed when the Emperor request Amrustil to send Varglarian Marine Corps to punish one upraised town as kill all the rebels, take their children and salt their lands. Terrified by request, Amrustil rejected. Then discuss it with the commander-in-charge of Marines and rejected again asking never again to ask such things. This leads to fierce exchange of messages and threats between him and some servants under the Emperor. Varglarian Proclamation of Independence. Document proclaimed overthrowing of supremacy and sovereignty of the Empire and creation of the free independent Duchy of Varglara. Amrustil become the very first Duke of Valglara. This was an ultimate act of disobedience and rebellion.
The Empire doesn't like this and send troops raze rebellious city and bring heads of its leaders. The following Siege of Varglara proves imperial high command to be completely incompetent and worthless. The army sends to besiege the largest harbor in all  The Central Mainland completed only with infantry and cavalry. No siege equipment, no mages and no naval blockade were considered as needed. Diplomatic skills of Amrustil bring neighbor cities to follow the path of Varglara and join the war. Soon besieged army found itself encircled by overwhelming enemies and faces disastrous defeat. Soldiers were offered safe passage or new h in exchange of their capitulation and most of them choose to surrender their weapons. Many, feared by wraith of the Empire, prefer to take the opportunity and settle near in new duchy. Others fight till they were killed or captured.
When the military attempt to return Varglara under the Imperial rule fails, there are send emissaries to negotiate a peaceful surrender to the Empire. Unfortunately their approach were too scornful and arrogant so already hard negotiations becomes virtually impossible at the end. They had been recall and a new army, this time larger and much better equipped, were send. To the army were attached an additional HQ. The war were brutal, bloody and destructive. Dedicated command staff and better equipment made huge difference compare to the previous aggression but newly formed Alliance of Free Cities was able to prevail. Second defeat forces the Empire to sign peace treaty which recognize the Duchy and its allies as independent free states. The empire were forced to waive any tax-collecting and ever to pay reparations to the Alliance. Later, Imperial Military Court convicted released by the Alliance Prisoners-of-War and executed them.

After the war ends and the Duchy were released from the death weight of the dying Empire, Amrustil begun rapidly to improve welfare and wealth of Varglara. The money that in the past were shipped to the Imperial treasure now has been freed to use for the city and countryside. Massive reconstructions starts in the north city, southern districts and the outskirts. Great investments were made in fortify Duchy defense and walls.

The newly acquired prosperity, welfare, and influence of the duchy began to create tensions between Varglara and some of her former allies. Some accuse Amrustil of not distributing imperial reparations fairly and involving cities. But the Duke already were prepared for this. Multiple secret pacts and agreements were in progress. Several small skirmishes broke out between the allies, but then everything calmed down. Unfortunately one of the skirmishes took his life. He has been succeeded by his grandson Runtarill erd Vortdegal.

[bg] Амрустил ерд Вортдегал е роден през 29 СЗ в благородическата фамилия erd Vortdegal. Той е първороден син на стар род дукове, които управляват City of Varglara в името на Holy Human Emperor и Great Empire. Расте, приучаван на лоялност към Империята и Holy Church, но също и да служи добре на хората и града си.
Младият Амрустил отрано покава голям потенциал за политика и дипломация, както и грижа за подчинените си. От друга страна физическите му способности са далече от впечатляващи. Това го кара да се чувства леко засрамен край баща си или когато гледа към статуите на предците си в семейната крипта. Всички те са били силни и атлетични мъже, бойци и войници, ветерани от Варгларската Морска пехота. Дядо му водил същата тази пехота през The Last War по време на десанта на северните брегове на Western Continent, отговаряйки директо пред Twinight Icedhowler. А наследникът на ерд Вортдегал не можел да премине дори входящите изпити.
Амрустил е на 20 години, когато баща му загива в ужасен инциден по време на военоморски учения на Корпуса. Тежестта на грижата за града, гражданите, околността и всичко останало паднала на неговите плещи.


Family Ties

His devotion to the city and its people leaves deep traces in his personal life and family. Frequent work trips to the capital distanced him from his only son and created alienation between the two. Over the years, the gap has only widened. As a teenager, Lodgoril was often at the center of conflicts with alcohols, or with women, or with both. This leads to major scandals between the two on the rare occasions when Amrustil is in city. Problems escalated when the boy was 16 and get pregnant a 14-year-old local noble girl. Then Armustil intervenes and takes care of the girl and his unborn grandson. The final rupture in their relationship is when Lodgoril, 20, and dead drunk, tries to assault his 15-year-old sister. After this incident, the father expelled him from the ducal palace and deprived him of any inheritance and titles. However, it leaves him a small country villa and a modest money support. The failure of his relationship with his son led Amrusil to pay much more attention to his grandson, Rüntaril. Contradictions with Imperial policy also allow him to devote more time to the child. Under the watchful eye of his grandfather, the kid developed quickly and absorbed managerial and diplomatic experience from an early age. Over the years, the relationship between the two deepens and they are more father and son than grandfather and grandson.

Неговата преданост към града и хората му оставя дълбоки следи в личния му живот и семейството. Честите командировки до столицата го отдалечават от единствения му син и създават отчуждение между двамата. С годините пропастта само се увеличава. Като тийнейджър Лодгорил често е бил в центъра на конфликти, свързани с алкохола, или с жени, или и с двете. Това води до големи скандали между двамата в редките случаи, когато Амрустил е в града. Проблемите ескалират, когато той е на 16 години и забременява 14 годишно местно благородно момиче. Тогава Армустил се намесва и поема грижата за девойката и неродения си внук. Окончателният разрив в отношенията им е, когато Лодгорил на 20 и мъртвопиян се опитва да се натрапи на 15-годишната си сестра. След този случай, бащата го изхвърля от херцогския палат и го лишава от всякакво наследство и титли. Все пак му оставя малка извънградска вила и скромна издържка. Провалът в отношенията със сина му карат Амрусил да отдели много по-голямо внимание на внука си, Рюнтарил. Противоречита с Имперската политика също му позволяват да отдели повече време на детето. Под взора на дядо си, малчуганът се развива бързо и от рано попива управленчески и дипломатически опит. С годините връзката между двамата се задълбочава и те са повече баща и син, отколкот дядо и внук.


Lodgorill erd Vortdegal

Son (Trivial)

Towards Amrustil erd Vortdegal



Amrustil erd Vortdegal

Father (Important)

Towards Lodgorill erd Vortdegal



Amrustil erd Vortdegal

Grandfather (Vital)

Towards Runtarill erd Vortdegal



Runtarill erd Vortdegal

Grandson (Vital)

Towards Amrustil erd Vortdegal



Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
23 - 06
29 AL 87 AL 58 years old
Circumstances of Death
Dies on battlefield
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.77 m
Aligned Organization